you first

As the hammer kept swinging, he was pulled along by it, that simple tug actually almost pulled his arms right out of his socket. Swinging along, he used the momentum to throw himself up and behind Gary's right shoulder.

He swung himself over her arm and under her armpit before dropping down and attaching the other end of the line on her leg.

This of course did not go unnoticed by Gary, she tugged at the wire with her arm which lifted her leg a little off the ground throwing her a little off balance with her own strength. That however was not her main target. As she tugged at the wire, the loop around her arm became tighter and constricted it until such a point where it dug straight into the whole arm and cut it clean off.

The gigantic arm fell down as a trail of silver liquid followed it. As long as he pulled it away from the rest of her body, her arm wouldn't be able to regenerate instantly, even after doing so he still felt no comfort in this fight. It was just a matter of tie before she got her arm back and he was waiting for that moment she would bend down to pick it up.

He watched the hole in her body as the silver blood poured out of it, but noticed something unnatural about it. The first being that it always dropped down in a straight line towards the arm and there was never any excess of it on the ground. He could only watch in pure horror as the arm began to float upwards being pulled by the silver liquid towards it's original spot.

He tried to dash in in order to interrupt the healing process but Gary simply picked up a handful of sand and threw it his way. With her strength that handful might as well be a cannon ball as it engulfed him and brought him with it several hundred meters away.

Zhao Wei was worried that he wouldn't be back in time to take up it's attention and Thirteen would get hurt but just as it was about to get back in place, it suddenly exploded, the parts splattering everywhere.

From where she was Myra had used her sonic blasts at Gary's arm, causing it to drop back down. After dropping off Panda and Jeff she joined the battle running circles around Gary while smashing those blast against her body.

It didn't do much damage, each blast just barely scraping off the top layer from her body, but it was enough to distract the big lug. Every time one of her arms would land, Myra would enter the shadows before popping up again and continuing the hit and runs.

At one point Myra used the strike Gary had buried into the ground to climb up her shadow and onto her shoulders, leaping above Gary's head to deliver several blasts of compressed sound at point blank range. The result was half of Gary's face being blown off.

Thirteen continued to maneuver her way across Gary's body, her training as an assassin keeping her from being noticed and straight up splattered on the dessert sand.


Back in the compound, Gren9 was having a hard time believing what was going on outside. Even if all the Grens in the compound including herself came together to fight Gary, she doubted if they could even give her as much trouble even with their regeneration and seemingly inexhaustible stamina.

The novelty of the experience almost distracted her from the original Grendolyn entering the room.

"You know, I was wondering where you were." Gren9 spoke still focused on the happenings outside. "I almost didn't want to send her in there in case your precious body got destroyed during the fight."

"Wow yeah... that's way too stalkery and pervy than I should ever have to hear coming from my own mouth towards myself." The biggest insult that Gren9 received was from the fact that Grendolyn actually really looked disgusted.

"You think this is a game? your flesh will be... Yup, ok I heard it that time." Gren9 contemplated. "But it doesn't change the fact that I need your... uh... you... still too stalkery?"

"Little bit..." She emphasized with her thumb and forefinger.

"By the tremors out there, I'm guessing you loaded Gary up with all of the other precursors." Grendolyn deduced. "It's crude, but I guess she was the only one with the material capacity to hold that much, and I'm guessing you need me for..." She baited.

"It's quite simple really, even though our golem bodies are quite well made, we aren't able to assimilate the different souls of the different golems due to their egos, it might as well be poison to our conscience. But if that ego reenters the real body, it should slowly fall back in place." Gren9 explained her eyes darting back and forth all over Grendolyn's body as if she was a full buffet and she a starved customer. "If I can get myself into your body, I'll be perfect."

"That theory seems viable, but how do you know you won't just get assimilated by my original soul." Grendolyn asked as she began stepping backwards, trying to remember why she came here in the first place.

"Oh that's even simpler." Suddenly her hand shot out, growing in size rapidly and clutching Grendolyn's body. Unlike Gary, her arms were long but decrepit and pale like simply skin on bones with nothing underneath. She opened her mouth wide into a grin, showing at least 3 different sets of teeth. "I'll just have to get rid of you first."