Into the mind

A barrage of hits landed on her body. Maybe against actual fighters like the rest of the team, the Gren's nearly had no chance of landing a solid blow, but against one of their own and especially one who couldn't move from her position there was no question.

If there was one thing they had going for them, it was that their punches were like sledgehammers. Even without putting in any weight in those punches the blows would ring out even reaching Thirteen and the others outside the compound. Each of those would tear giant chunks into her which were really hard to recover from considering she was spending a significant amount of her energy towards trying to kill Grendolyn. And really the fact that immense pain was wracking her captive's whole body did not make her easier to contain.

But it still wasn't enough. Like Gary her regeneration was already on over-drive to begin with, and her lack of size definitely made up for it, what concentration Gary needed to recover one arm, she could use to recover her whole body.

She could continue to break her down, but Gren207 knew she wasn't budging Gren9. She could strain her abilities sure, but while that was going on the process continued and her sisters continued to disintegrate before her very eyes. From within the confines of Gren9's hands Grendolyn tried her best to signal at Gren207. Not so easy when her throat was being used to shatter glass, but her eyes constantly twitched, hoping it would catch the girl's attention, who at this point focused on trying to dismember her elder sister.

She closed her mouth to stop the screaming, right now that was the only thingthat was free enough to do anything. However her throat was so parched she couldn't say anything even if she wanted to, but there was some saliva left which she gathered into a small ball to launch at Gren207's face.

With all the wind left in her lungs, she shot the little ball out of her mouth, but it landed pathetically on the ground right in front of her, turns out all the wind left in her wasn't much. But the small drip of that saliva was enough to draw both their attentions back to her.

Her eyes frantically signaled Gren207 to look at the building around her. Right now, the only thing she could do that could have a big enough impact was dropping the whole building down on them. Everyone would survive, except for... her. But it'll stop the process once and for all.

It didn't take long for both to realize what she was hinting at. Gren207 went right to it, running towards the pillars of the whole compound, it wouldn't be that hard, with all the fighting that had gone down between the two, the building was basically on the edge and just needed a little push to finish the job.

Watching her go, Gren9 understood what Grendolyn wanted, this was the death that she was hoping for. Once she died, Gren9 wouldn't be able to do anything to the rest, and how would she, there would be no more body to transfer into. She had a choice to make, risk losing the original body or try to stop Gren207 before she did anything.

Out of the two, she chose the latter. In her mind, she thought that she could attempt this next time anyway. But as she tried to pull her limbs back she found herself frozen on the spot, unable to do anything. She turned her head back towards Grendolyn and found herself no longer in the reality she'd been just before.

She was alone, no longer standing in the center of a compound while holding her creator in her hands and surrounded by hundreds of herself. Instead, she was floating in a space of nothingness, back in her original form.

Grendolyn suddenly appeared in front of her smiling sweetly in her full adult form. Unlike her playful childish form, she commanded full attention towards herself. Her face had an air of erudition but emerald eyes hinted at the wildness she kept stored away, her body though slender threatened to explode with strength once triggered, her beautiful spotless neck descending into what can only be described as the bearings of a lady. While all the other Gren's copied this image to a fault, the aura they gave off could be the difference between heaven and hell.

Gren9 gulped at the sight of her appearance, the last time she saw her creator like this was much too long ago, and cursed herself for almost forgetting how fearful she actually was. "Hello little puppet," She spoke, specifically drawing out the word puppet and letting it sink into Gren9s mind, "What's wrong? I thought you wanted to come in?"

"You mean... this is?" Gren9 was conflicted between elation and fear. She had finally attained entrance into the mind of her creator, but not while she was here.

"Well... let me be the first to say... welcome." Grendolyn advanced on her.