trading places

"To think that there would come a day when I'd have to talk to one of you guys face to face like this." Grendolyn looked at her puppet's soul. Although they were floating on the same level, Gren9 couldn't help but feel as if the person in front of her was looking down on her from high above.

"What do you mean? I've been your care taker every single day." Gren9 pried, though in her heart she was holding back her anger, what was her prey just a few minutes ago was now acting so high and mighty.

"Oh... that little thing, she was merely a shadow of me. No matter how big she grows, she would stay two dimensional and without any substance. The fact that she would want to trade her life for your lot is something I sure haven't ever thought off." With a flick of her finger Gren9s body came forward, while she tried to struggle as hard as she could her body continued to float towards the original.

"You on the other hand, have constantly surpassed your limits." Gren9 smiled as the original caressed her cheeks. "But you're much dumber than her."

Suddenly her vision changed again. She was floating in the exact same spot but it was like she had eyes all around her. "You see, you've gone and turned yourself into something else entirely." Grendolyn spoke to what could only be called a mass of flesh putty with the bodily feature spread all around like a grotesque Mr. potato head. Clumps of facial features, extremities and parts no one should see as clear as day all mushed into a hodgepodge of the unholy.

"After transforming yourself into this thing.." Grendolyn ran her fingers into it, bringing with it a string of mush that latched itself onto the tip, All the eyes turned her way, looking at her like from the eyes of a fly. "You decided that you were good enough to walk in here, which is quite cute if I just think of you as another one of my mindless puppets. Because if you had any actual intelligence in there, I don't think I'd be calm enough to even talk to you right now."

The ball of meat trembled in trepidation, her whole mass started trembling as the sludge seemed to come to life like a giant slime. A slit opened up in between as drapes of clay like flesh hung between the openings, raising it self quite high as it tried to come down and swallow the original.

She just wanted to be the real one, not some copy who could never stand up on her own. Just when she thought she had the upper hand, she found out her opponent was quite literally using the kiddie gloves on her. Yes she herself may have taken the vile path towards achieving her goals, but wasn't this being far too biased.

What was so wrong with her that she had to stoop down right now? For all she knew she had nearly 70% of all of Grendolyn's mana at her disposal right now with all the other Grens working like her batteries, no matter what the original tried to pose, she still had the upper hand.

And sure enough as she moved forward and took a bite of the space in front of her, Grendolyn disappeared. The real body was finally hers.

As she opened her eyes all she could see was the building crumbling down around her, Gren207 had done her job. She turned her head towards her old body which at this point was restoring itself back and sneered at her. "Well it's substandard but has a lot of damage to it, but it's good enough for now."

"No! that's impossible I killed you!" Gren9 screamed from her fleshly body as shrapnel and debris flew everywhere, lacerating her flesh that now didn't heal. Gren9 panicked, why was she happy, she was losing her real body, her eyes turned wide from realization.

"Took you long enough!" Grendolyn in her body smirked. "If I can make you guys out of minerals, why can't I make you out of the beast flesh. Took a little longer though, congrats you're the first one of your kind, a shame we have to scrap you so quickly."

"So this isn't the real body!?" Gren9 rushed at her trying to get back into contact.

"Please you're not even up against the original soul." Grendolyn mocked, a giant shadow was overcoming them. As they both looked up, they saw a whole wall coming down on them.


Outside, just as the other's were trying to recuperate Gary began to shift. They all went back into their stances, especially Panda and Myra who were low on all fours, their furs bristling. "Hey guys." A sound came out from Gary but her mouth didn't move at all.

"Down here." It took them a while to notice that whatever part of her flesh which wasn't hardened was morphed into a working vocal chord and mouth in her chest. "I've gained back control of all the clones, thanks for taking care of this one by the way, I don;t think, I'd have been able to deal with things if she was around... If possible could you bring her in, we don't have many materials left especially ones like her."

They all slumped back into the sand, pretending they didn't hear anything.