New living space

It took a while for them to get used to all the Gren'd working like minions. Unlike before where all the Grens were individuals working a job, they now seemed to fall under one mind like a hive, this however also meant there was only about 20 Grens operational. "Hey guys how're you holding up." One of the Gren's spoke as she passed by them.

Grendolyn has finally taken on her real form, the leather working clothing and grease stains on her body did not give her features justice, but the enthusiasm she showed while she was building more than made up for it.

Gren9 had done irreparable damage to most of the Grens. While some still retained their functionality, their minds were equivalent to that of a vegetable. In the end, it was back to the drawing board for the golems.

"We're fine." Jeff spoke nervously.

"Oh that's great!"

"Gah!" The one who replied them was a Gren that was standing behind them carrying a box.

It'd been a week since Grendolyn took everything back, they'd been working tirelessly sorting through the rubble to find any thing they could use.

"Sorry I've been so busy but, I've been stuck on this landscape so long, I just want to get off it as soon as possible." A Gren who was sitting beside them spoke. "Where's Zhao Wei?" She asked.

"He's going hunting, and I'm starting to think it was a good idea to join him." Thirteen replied sarcastically. She wasn't used to everyone wanting to talk to her, much less if they were the same person. Grendolyn found herself trying to get close to the young assassin, since they were technically the only two girls here.

In front of their very eyes, the carriage was being built back up. But unlike before, the whole thing wasn't made of wood and bones but a mixture of steel and tough beast material.

The originally ivory white vehicle was now a hue of metallic black, taking on the look of a classic locomotive with now 5 carriages set together. It's front was set with a sharp bumper which resembled a knight's lance while the hood on the over head almost made it seem like it was alive. The body of each carriage contained an upper armor and thicker lower armor which were all built from the remnants of the compound, filling it with so many mechanisms even Zhao Wei didn't know about.

They no longer used wooden wheels, and instead traded it for rolling plates like the ones on tanks. If there was one thing the Grens were good at it was building things, and almost any idea he had from the old world could be replicated by their hands.

Now the first car was purely for driving, despite all of Zhao Wei's protest, with 4 Grens working on creating a real motor, built and design by Grendolyn herself once she saw the makeshift one made by Zhao Wei.

The second carriage now worked as the main sleeping quarters for the girls and Grens seeing how the gender majority suddenly shifted. The third carriage was also taken over by the Gren's as they set up their own workshop for everything from weapons to mechanisms.

Somehow, they were able to fit several different labs into the space, and that was after cutting out half the two floor carriage for a gigantic furnace.

Each of the three front carriages were two stories while suddenly the kitchen which doubled as the only purely guys area had only one floor. Like it's design before, the side wall would open up to turn into a shade as well as a dining floor. The roof was just a clear deck, which at this point was perfect for Zhao Wei because he needed an open place to train.

The final carriage was one whole floor of storage while it's top floor was where Panda and Myra stayed, with shockbrealers in the floor tiles to balance of their weight and strength. It was empty now after they lost all of the old food, but in about 3 days of hunting, it was getting filled back up.

Thirteen walked up to the very first carriage. Looking around to make sure nobody saw her before knocking on the body which created quite a dull ring, "Hey Gwen you there?" It took awhile before a low hum like a machine whirring to life reciprocated her question.

Part of the front carriage opened up after ejecting steam into the air. Half a body unfolded itself from the inside and stood upright, the other half was attached to the train itself. For those who fought her, they could tell unmistakably that it was Gary's body. Now inhabited by Gren207 who worked as the train's brain.