
"You look pretty fit though." Thirteen said after examining his body.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Wei asked still not moving from his position.

"Well you know, when you entered the cocoon we weren't exactly sure what to think since we've never seen something like that before, but you look like nothing had changed." Thirteen commented.

"To be honest I don't feel like anything has changed since I entered the cocoon." Zhao Wei checked his own body.

"Then what's with the uncontrollable strength?" Thirteen inquired.

"I think it's just that the shackles went missing, suddenly everything feels like it's way too light." He'd checked his system too, there had been some change but he merited that to training and his intake of beasts unclear of the energy it had stored within his body. "You say that the cocoon had done something to me, but even now I'm not sure what it is."

"Well that's one thing, but I also never really expected your body to be in such a state."

"Is it bad?"

"No, it's a state that few warriors even from our kingdom reach. With focus on tantra, few really train their flesh as well as the stronger their cultivation, the better they can supplement their physical body. And though training the physical body is fast at first, after that the increment becomes increasingly slow and limited and are usually easily surpassed with the use of our martial skills."

"As far as I know only one guy has trained his physical skills to the level of his Tantra."


"Your teacher."

Zhao Wei creeped around in inch by inch until he had finally turned to face Thirteen. "Well that makes sense, that old man's strength was ridiculous even if he was gold class or whatever you call it. That fat guy, the princess's uncle was also a gold class if I'm not mistaken."

"If we were still in Drasas, they'd send an army to catch you for treason just for calling the imperial uncle 'that fat guy' even if he is dead right now." Thirteen mocked.

"What I mean is, against him I was still pretty confident of a fair match." Zhao Wei contemplated. "It's nice to hear you compliment me though."

"When did I compliment you!" Thirteen reacted shocked by the sudden admittance.

"Well you said I was fit, I consider that a compliment." Zhao Wei stated obviously. "Y'know I was pretty chubby when I was younger, and that made me have low self esteem..." He continued, actually admiring his body for the first time.

"I don't want to know about your life story!" Thirteen shouted again, but it sounded less like a reprimand from an assassin to her comrade and more like a younger sister shouting at her big brother. "Besides, I said that because you usually use such baggy clothes when traveling with us, only recently did you get used to streaking."

Zhao Wei finally remembered that he'd been naked ever since he'd been in the ape village. At first he was uncomfortable being all nude, but because of the constant focus to fighting, he all but forgot about his state of clothing or lack there of. "Don't look!" his hands sped to cover his privates, the fact that his strength was still out of his control had for a moment slipped his mind.

In the heart of the mountain, a agonizing scream rang out. every beast lifted their heads up towards it's direction, giving a prayer of pity for whatever beast had rendered that sound out of their throat, trembling while they wondered what kind of cruelty could cause such despair.

Thirteen had run away almost immediately, her heart beating fast as for probably the first time in her life her face began to blush. It wasn't a feeling she was used to. As and assassin, the human body, male or female was something she was used to seeing, clothed or not. And for sometime she'd looked at his body without so much as flinching.

But when Zhao Wei reacted in shame when she pointed out that he was naked. Somehow she felt ashamed as well. It felt so unlike her that the moment she was out of their sight she directly she checked her temperature and pulse. Hopefully she'd find a chronic disease which would either explain her reaction or kill her.

Panda was the only one who was unaffected by the au naturel display. [What's wrong with you guys? it's just being it's just being naked.] She squeaked as she watched Thirteen run away.

"Fine if you really think that way then give me your fur..." A whisper sounded from behind her.

[Huh?] When She turned, she was horrified to be faced with a Zhao Wei who seemed like he had his soul sucked out of him.

"Since you don't mind being naked it's fine if I borrow your fur to cover myself right?" Zhao Wei reasoned as he crawled closer.

[Of course it's not! It's not like this is something you can borrow is it!?] Panda began to slide backwards as she felt a shiver run down her spine. [See, it's attached to me.]

"Don't worry, there are ways to take it off." Zhao Wei spoke.

If there was ever a question of whether a beast's face could ever turn pale like that of a human since it was usually covered by their fur, then the expression Panda showed at this moment would settle the debate. It could not.

But it came incredibly close. As she saw the delirium in his eyes and got so spooked that she dashed away immediately.

Seeing his potential source of clothing run away Zhao Wei turned to the other potential source, only to see that Myra had already run away even before Panda.