

Thirteen hadn't been alone for long before she was met by the giant ape. In all honesty he might've been extremely friendly or at the very least neutral towards her, but since he had spent a lot of time fighting, the aura he gave off combined with his naturally imposing physique made him excessively threatening to Thirteen who was extremely sensitive to danger.

"I didn't tell him anything! so why don't you just walk your furry ass back!?" She screamed up at him.


30 minutes ago

"HOH Hoh HOH.... hoh Hoh!" A panting ape came to the place they were gathered, dirt staining it's knuckles, trying to push out whatever it was trying to say between ragged breaths.

"Huargh!" With a mighty roar the big ape slammed it's closed fist down onto the ground, the newcomer instantly quieted down. His anger left as quick as it had come as he gestured over his shoulder, pointing out the presence of the leader and his bed ridden wife.

It might've seemed like a warning to the ape, but few like thirteen noticed that the big lug had just saved the young one's life. The moment that ape had burst into the area Gowan's small fingers had instantly shaped itself into a claw, second longer and he might've ripped the thing to shreds if the big ape hadn't stepped in to scold him.

They began to converse with each other, albeit in more respectful and hushed tones., the big ape's face contorting in confusion the more he heard. She wanted to know what they were saying, but in the end it wasn't as if they could suddenly speak ape.

But maybe there wasn't a need for it as suddenly the sounds of impacts began to happen under them. And for some reason Thirteen, Panda and Myra directly ruled out the possibility of an attack from any creature or a disaster occurring and jumped to thinking it was probably Zhao Wei.

If Zhao Wei knew this, he'd probably feel really hurt, it's not like he was the type of person who went around looking for trouble or causing trouble. It's just that he had a knack for being in places when trouble happened it seems.

This time in a way was caused by him, but he would argue that anyone who happened to wake up with augmented strength would've probably gone through the same thing in one way or another. None of that captain a@#ica crap where he wakes up with a super hot body for nothing... that's not the issue at hand? so what!? It's not fair especially for a guy who had to train for the better part of a year just to reach this point.

And where's his red s#$ll, he'd take that guy over every tongued, clawed, feathered, tailed, toothed, flying, slithering, crawling, climbing, roaring, eviscerating, spitting, poisonous, ravenous beast he'd met up to here, where was N#$k F#$y with his A@#gers contract.

Either way, since he had woken up, their first instinct was to go to where he was. But even before they were able to flinch, Gowan had shifted right in front of them from where he was standing next to his wife.

For a moment Thirteen was unsure of his intentions. "What!?" She shouted after he stared her down for some time.

In the end Gowan conversed with Panda. Finally Panda turned to Thirteen, somehow despite their lack of conversational abilities they both understood each other. Panda turned her head to point at the wife, then to Zhao Wei's direction, and finally she shook her head.

"But why!?" Thirteen retorted the moment the command came and looked to Gowan for answers. The request was pretty simple. 'Don't tell Zhao Wei.'

In return he simply walked past her back to his wife and tended to her.

"If you're his friend, you should know he's going to find out sooner or later." She continued, obviously dissatisfied with where he left it. But he didn't even give a proper response and just shrugged it off.


"Yeah so he still doesn't know, why don't you go running back to your boss!?" Thirteen shouted at the thing, somehow these apes have a knack for ignoring her as the big thing seemed like it hadn't heard a single word and simply plopped itself right in front of her.

*Yawn* Without any warning it began to take a nap. "Hey! *smack* *smack* *Slap* Don't ignore me!" In frustration Thirteen's hands threw a flurry of attacks that did nothing more than land impotently onto his large frame.

"Damn!" After some time, Thirteen sat herself next to it's big body, tired out by her own efforts.

The only thoughts in her mind was how frustrating the situation was. All her life things had been simple. Even as a royalty's aide who were the center of complicated relations, she was only required to kill who she needed to and forget anything she heard and saw. When was the last time she had to hide something from someone she actually cared about? The only relationship she'd had with people were master and job.

She asked herself about when did her life become so complicated.