
A man and a bunny rabbit.

It's hard to imagine that ever being imposing on any level to anyone except the ecosystem and some carrots.

That was even considering the fact that he was dressed snugly under several layers of beast fur, the smell of blood still yet to fade from them. Or that his bunny had a very sharp looking horn on it's head.

So the reactions of quite a few of them were quite understandable.

"Where'd this guy suddenly come from?"

"Must be one of the neumans from the other side, decided to surrender to the winning side?"

"Well he doesn't look like much, but we can sell him to the labor houses... What's with the rabbit though?"

"I don't know, but I'm tired of eating military rations all the time, rabbit meat sounds nice for a change."

"Mmm.... Saffron? or maybe some pink sea salt?"

"You're just listing expensive ingredients, watching too much Master Chef Central?"

"CHI CHI! Chi CHi chi cHI Chi..." the bunny responded by more or less starting with daring the person, followed by a tirade of how she'd deal with the person in a very vulgar yet descriptive explaination.

Zhao Wei put his hands on Panda to calm her stopping her from launching herself and absolutely pummeling the person into the ground. Gliding his hand on the parts of her fur that had already begun to turn dark, slowly coming back to their milky white color.

"Don't worry I won't let him do that to you..." Zhao Wei spoke... Panda closing her eyes in response to the calm of his voice as well as the pleasurable feeling of getting rubbed. "Wild rabbit meat has strong flavors, cooking it with saffron is simply desecration."

Pandas eyes shot open and she kicked to the side, nearly twisting off Zhao Wei's head with it's force. Luckily, he had expected some blow-back from the joke and had dodged the attack in time with his flexible neck bending back at almost 90 degrees to avoid such a close kick.

Seeing such an interaction from them, the soldiers became even more relaxed, approaching him like it was nothing.

"Don't touch him!" A voice shouted, turning back to one of the two main characters of the conflict today.

The hair on Moto-tsune's neck tingled like crazy. Only one or two people in Central were able to make him feel this way, and any of them were people he'd rather be miles away from.

One of the soldiers nearby didn't take the hint, advancing even more, thinking he was being stopped for some political reason or something... or maybe even worse, he wasn't thinking at all. "Well I'd like to follow those orders but unless you decide to join us... you're not exactly our boss."

Some of the others agreed and joined the man.

"Wait don't!..." Bartram responded almost as the man moved. Like only a few people here, he had a keen sense of danger... Something high levels didn't exactly provide a person.

This guy was a massive threat.

The context being that it was a time of monsters and super powered men gave that phrase a whole new implication. One that meant that he couldn't feel comfortable even if he had an army between himself and this guy.

The warning was a little too late, his hand had already reached out somewhere it shouldn't have.

"I would listen to them if I were you..." The hand that had reached out was clasped at the wrist by the guy's hand.

"What the..." Like any person, he tried to swing his hand to make the person let go of it but it felt like his wrist had been encased in concrete, unable to even shift his limb in one way or another. "Sh#t! Let go!"

Getting flustered he tried to kick Zhao Wei to push him away, but found his leg hitting the air as he tumbled forward.

"Whoa there, calm down..." Zhao Wei held him from falling.

But from the perspective of the rest of them, it seemed like Zhao Wei had man-handled one of their friends.

"D@mn! he's definitely from the other side! enemy attack!" One of them shouted, alerting the others into a hostile state.

The one's closest rushed in, much faster than a human should be able to move. Parang in his hand, a light red gleam came off from it like flames that we're dancing on its body, ever shifting. Not unlike the energy that was contained within Zhao Wei's own traps.

It did not even come close to the flesh of it's target, but found the earth beneath it. Smashing a crater that was far wider and longer than a blade of such length should be able to form.

With him, several others came lunging, each with their own special weapons, and accompanied their own sinister radiance ready to get a piece of him.

Bartram felt some comfort as their combined aura seemed like a bright aurora even in the day, all aimed at one man. Turning back to Moto-tsune, he figured even if the man was strong, there was no way he'd match the force of so many skills from so many people, it would end easily.

And with that show of force Moto-tsune should be convinced that the only two ways he could go from here was with them or six feet under.