Rapid Fire Cannon Balls

Zhao Wei was impressed, in an instant all of them had prepared their attacks.

But they did not launch at him simultaneously. Only the front four initiated their attacks while those behind seemed to have simply prepped theirs, being vigil just in case.

An axe, a saber, one spear and a single dagger. Judging by how they moved, each of them would strike at a particular time, making sure their attacks didn't clash while making sure there was no gap for their opponent to retaliate or evade.

What surprised him the most was that men sporting modern military camouflage were sporting such medieval type weapons. The chuunbiyou in him insulted at the mix, was he racist? culturist maybe?

The dagger came at his flank, while the man with the axe had swung it horizontally, keeping himself low aiming for the waist and below. The saber came cutting down from above with a swift green glow.

The finisher though was that spear, which seemed like it was under some kind of spell. Unlike the others which seemed to basically increase damage, the spear split into two completely different strikes. Shooting from either side of the saber swords-man.

The intention was clear, a three pronged attack which on itself had a high chance of killing a target on it's own. But it still left some lee-way, for the trap to spring. Anyone who decided to dodge would just find themselves pierced on either the left or the right.

What was frightening was that, these men weren't necessarily part of one team. Attacking with such synchronicity with people you've worked with in a small group was normal. But to grab just any five people randomly from a crowd of hundreds and have them execute such a perfect maneuver was insane.


But in the end, that's all it did.

'Impressed' him.

Not exactly something you'd want someone you were attempting to kill to feel among other desirable emotions such as fear or despair, or fear and despair would've been a nice combination.

The moment the attack had come, he'd already crouched down.

The axe man thought his attack would've definitely landed at that moment.

"Panda, shoulder!"

The white bunny turned into a black feral streak striking at his shoulder, it turned concave with a satisfying crunch. The force behind the swing was no longer there and the arm and axe swung limply along the course it had been set on.

With one hand, he grabbed the arm still holding the axe, which still glowed a bright crimson. With the other redirecting the dagger which was targeting his ribs.

And all at once, he brought them upwards, having their blades collide against the fast coming saber blade. Both weapons retained the energies charged into them, even if they had lost the momentum their owners had generated.

The saber leaped off of the swordsman's hand, his hand bleeding, the webbing between his pointer and thumb splitting. He had little time to revel in the incoming pain that his brain was about to register, before a small black bundle had collided against his chest.

It had knocked both him and the air in his lungs flying out, crashing into the spear-man who was hiding in the blind-spot behind him.

"Why does everyone always hit first before explaining or trying to get an explanation..." Zhao Wei stood up straight after kicking into the dagger wielder's solar plexus. "Have I been gone that long? It's almost like the term 'calm down' doesn't register anymore, are millennials still the youngest generation? Or did an even worse generation come up and decide to ruin the English vocabulary?"

Everyone watched him wearily, and why wouldn't they. They just watched some of their own, ones who at the very least wasn't weaker by even a fraction compared to themselves get taken down. And it wasn't like in the movies, the whole thing wasn't a fighting sequence lasting 3 minutes, it ended in little more than a two seconds from when they had decided to take the first step, to Zhao Wei standing up.

"Okay... tough crowd, but seriously I just want to..."

"Aaah!!" Another person came attacking.

"Oh My God! Can you stop being so rude!" His fist connected with the man's face even as he was stepping forward, feeling the crunch of what was hopefully just his nose and some teeth.

Fine! He thought, feeling a little burdened, he'd expected finally meeting humans from his own home world to turn out a little differently than what this had devolved to, and hopefully in less dire circumstances. But nobody ever gets what they want.

His next step however was a dodge to the far right.

The place he'd just previously been was now a giant hole in the ground. The melee fighters weren't much, even far below the level of any he'd faced so far.

But the ranged fighters were a little more difficult, especially the non magic types.

In games, these would be the dps type, their damage based on speed, criticals, and overall the base damage their weapons delivered. Mostly made for archers, the combinations of skills and weapons made them on par with the other classes despite their lack of physical attributes.

But change that bow and arrow with guns and bullets, it became a whole different ball game. At least, from lower to mid levels, they were unbeatable. And these we're different from the ones Tess and Grendolyn faced.

Those were a good shot, but compared to those bullets, these might as well be rapid fired cannonballs coming his way.