
Berserker class, an advanced class which starts from a fighter. Being at his level in his organization, Moto-tsune more or less memorized almost any class that was had been chosen by members of humanity, their advancements as well as skills were as familiar to him as the back of his hand.

He wasn't sure which ones Bartram picked in the lower classes, but this advanced one was an easy guess. 'Dominate.' A simple but cheat skill. The user would surpass their opponents in areas they chose.

If Bartrams speed was only 50, and Zhao Wei's was considered 100, then the skill would simply increase Bartrams to 101. Not without a price however, as the 51 stat points Bartram raised would be taken from stats he didn't choose to raise.

Here, it seems that Bartram increased his speed and strength to match Zhao Wei's. Chasing him towards the army.

Zhao Wei himself was quite disoriented, unlike Moto-tsune, he wasn't sure where the sudden burst was coming from. Originally, he had thought he would've just left this place if they tried to attack in full force, but this guy's sudden burst of strength and speed that surpassed even his and was keeping him from properly escaping.

The only good thing was that, the man's attack had become limited to swinging his short sword around without any variation, making it quite easy to dodge the pattern even if he was a tad slower.

Problem was that there was an army waiting attack him once he made a mistake. Bartram being here was actually helping him. Being engaged in such a close fight, none of the shooters were confident enough to take a shot.

Even if they weren't confident, it wasn't like he was going to give them a chance either. In a moment, they were waiting to get him, in the next, many of them watched their friends get tangled up by blue glowing tentacles that had appeared out of nowhere.

He was first and foremost a trapper in the end. The battle was the best time for him to drop as many traps as he wanted while he weaved around the army. And now it paid off as the army became chaotic trying to free their men from the sudden onslaught of tentacles.

They were just lucky Zhao Wei was still holding back and just dropping wrap traps instead of wire traps or bite traps, else they'd be seeing a whole lot of blood. Problem was, he hadn't exactly been using this trap ever since he'd arrived at the ape's home.

He himself didn't know that his wrap trap was deadly enough on it's own, as it's powerful tentacles began snapping limbs that were coiled by it and all around causing extreme levels of injury and pain. Even if their limbs didn't break, they were turning purple as the extreme grips of these flimsy looking things cut the circulation of blood in their body.

They weren't easy to get out of either, those inside had no chance to get out of it alone. And it took at least two of those outside to try and pry their comrades out, tentacle, by tentacle. Some of the smarter ones tried to hack at them. But all of them found that this thing wasn't done after catching one man. The unlucky ones similarly got themselves caught by the tentacles, wrapping around whatever the soldiers used to get close to it.

An arm, a foot. Enough for it to drag it's prey to join their friends inside it's coils.

Now for this guy... Even while he was faster, Zhao Wei began to read his patterns. And it didn't take long for him to decide what his next step was...

Bartram, in the state that he was, figured that Zhao Wei's act of dodging and evading his attacks for the whole exchange was a sign of him winning. Though it irked him to the extreme that his opponent had suddenly turned into a coward and especially when he was using this skill.

While in it, he was buffed in his areas of choice to the extreme. The drawbacks of the skill itself was quite apparent to most people, but there was one more which no one else knew. Once this skill was over, the buff on the chosen stats would be gone, yes. But for a time, the points from the other stats that were taken didn't return.

He wasn't planning to drag out the buff, wanting to use the instant increase to finish off Zhao Wei quickly. Not really expecting a kid this young to actually have such a god intuition for danger. That and the fact that the buff to reach the kid's level of ability took so much of his points just to buff his strength and speed, almost reducing his other stats to the level of a barely enhanced human.

He almost thought that the guy was a Trapper class because of his skills. But it was impossible for a trapper class to reach this level of physical ability even after they advanced. They had little in the way of bonus stat points when they leveled up, they don't have any skills that boosted their combat capabilities and were all around useless in a fight.

It wasn't even a real class. Researchers had found that certain classes were just subsets of some basic classes. The trapper being a subset of the hunter class which focused on it's preemptive capabilities. But these types of classes had a few things in common, they were very specialized and usually had a very glaring weakness. Was much harder to advance in general. And their stat bonuses were crap until then, making them weaker even after reaching their intermediate and advance classes once they broke through.

He couldn't believe that a user of such a class could match him who was an his advanced class which specialized in close combat. Until he felt his attack meet Zhao Wei's head on.

He gasped as the force hit him, discombobulated and bewildered by the result. He had to step back 4 steps while Zhao Wei didn't even budge. His speed and strength were buffed, but why was his attack was losing out?.