Like a sack

If there was something Zhao Wei understood, it was that stats only reflected the upper limit of what he could do.

The truth is that the average human body can probably lift up several hundreds of kilos in one go, which would be confusing considering that most people struggle with just tens on a daily basis.

While these ideas conflicted with each other neither are false as one could only achieve the upper limit under truly extreme conditions. These could be life threatening, inducing the flight or flight risk, or be induced by outside stimuli. If one touched a live wire perhaps, their muscles would all tense up from the electricity flowing through them and one would end up jumping a distance that would match Olympic athletes on any other day.

So even if a stat was put at 100, it didn't men they could tap into 100. And the more one efficiently used this, the more effective they would be. In this way normal person with a 120 stat in speed, may not necessarily outrun a sprinter who had only 100 in speed. The normal person would generally only be able to reach 60-70 on average while the sprinter would probably be able to constantly put himself on 80 even on his worst day.

Similarly, even if Bartram was slightly stronger than him right now, his attacks weren't as effective. In this case when they exchanged a kick. Bartram's weight was spread out all over his leg, his pivot made the kicks turn slower, his balance was off. Zhao Wei's on the other hand was a clean natural movement forged from trying to keep himself alive under an onslaught of vindictive furry beasts, completely focusing the weight into one point of attack was like breathing to him.

It was no contest, and while Zhao Wei expected that he would win out in the exchange, he didn't expect what would happen next.

Bartram's shin split apart like it was freshly fried crackers, resounding in a spine tingling crunch. He didn't understand that Bartram's defense stat was lowered so much that it was doubtful if it would've even held up under the weight of his own strength, much less when that force was combined with Zhao Wei's.

With his plans crumbling around him, Bartram did what any man facing a force he couldn't comprehend would do. Run.

Doing a roll away as he fell down, the man repositioned himself to stand on his one good leg, turn and runaway on it. Well run might've been an overstatement as it was more like he was bounding away on his one foot, almost like Panda would with her one rear leg.

Seeing him sprint off, Zhao Wei quite admired his tenacity for survival. He considered if he should learn a thing or two about this kind of mindset. Ever since the world changed, he'd been throwing himself into his battles. Albeit with some preparations before hand and a little planning, but he'd never considered retreat an option besides that first time he'd reached the forest floor.

He might've won all of his fights so far, but maybe there were times when his chances of survival were less than minuscule and cutting his losses might've been a better option. Only he knew how many times he'd almost died from blood loss alone.

Panda looked at him, "Chi chi chi ChI?"

"Nah, let him be, If you're itching for a fight you'd be plenty satisfied here." Zhao Wei was about to turn towards the army, but he tilted his head suddenly, dodging a bullet to the face by a hair's breadth, sporting a small cut on his cheek where the bullet passed by.

From the noise dying out, he figured the soldiers were already coming out of their panic and were regrouping, considering that it'd be easier to save their friends if they'd take him out first. But he didn't account for them rallying this fast.

The altercation between him and Bartram might've seemed long, but at their speed it had lasted 10-15 seconds at best. The seconds until someone had taken a shot at him being only around 18-21 seconds.

In that short span of time, they'd taken a heavy blow to their ranks, figure out the problem, consider a solution, and begun their implementation in an organized attempt at the problem's life. Zhao Wei's traps had at most taken off 15% of their men from the playing field, leaving an angered and threatened 85% who would be considerably more troublesome to deal with.

Just goes to show that their military training was not just for show, their mentality was forged for battles and wars.

In a moment, Zhao Wei was rained upon by a countless number of bullets. And unlike before when they weren't prepared for him, this time their fire was more focused and left little room for him to dodge.

4 seconds in and he'd been hit 5 times, mostly on non vital spots, in inhumane feat considering how many bullets were coming at him at any given moment. But those little pieces of flying shrapnel were still quite painful to say the least, and there was no way he was going to get better at dodging after getting.

So he decided to learn from Bartram's playbook by turning around and dashing towards Moto-tsune, opting to only dodge away when he felt the threat of one of those empowered bullets coming at him.

"Wha!! WaaAAIIII!" Moto-tsune shouted as he suddenly felt his body get lifted up like a sack.