

Zhao Wei gritted his teeth as he ran. That retreat had cost him 4 pieces of his flesh the size of bullet wounds. Despite his defense stat, it seems that bullets were still quite effective. Only thing that changed was that none of those bullets were able to pierce completely through him, leaving them lodged inside and being an overall annoyance to him like food that was stuck between one's teeth.

Still a cheap price considering the situation he was just in, but it still hurt like hell, especially because he was carrying an extra weight on his shoulders that was struggling against him.

"Can you stop moving!?" He shouted.

"No! I won't go down without a fight! Even if you kill me, my men will avenge me!" Moto-tsune shouted. Not having his gun was horrible since his stats were all made to amplify the damage of his weapon, he himself had put close to nothing on his strength stat.

Hence, in the position he was, his struggle was but a minor inconvenience to Zhao Wei.

"Your 'men!' are shooting at you too!"

That's actually true, Moto-tsune thought as his body went limp.

Quite a few things had happened in the span of this one day, the war, Bartram's betrayal, this super-human... The fact that his subordinates decided to take another side must've slipped his mind.

"Well run faster then!" he suddenly shouted.

'You're very welcome for saving your life I guess...' Zhao Wei thought as he looked at him incredulously.

'It was better when I was dealing with apes.' Zhao Wei thought, and understandably so. Apes weren't so fickle in temperament, never once did an ape go ape-sh#t in one moment and eerily quiet in the next.

Also, despite their physical dominance over him, apes were quite simple in terms of combat, opting mostly for a close range whaling more than anything else.

Their hairless counterparts were weaker by far, but they made things complicated, not only in terms of fighting style... But everything else as well.

Like this guy on his shoulder. So you got betrayed by your own men to the point that they didn't think twice about killing you... So what? you're at least alive aren't you? Why the need to be so dramatic.

In the ape colony, if your position got taken out from under you, one of two things would happen, either you'd get your head stomped in or you survive long enough to get back at the one who defeated you.

He laughed a time when he was so dramatic, this was of course back when he was still in school going through the throes of puberty. His first break up caused him to be in the same emotional state as this man right here, they probably had the same expression.

Yes... the apes had it right. Back there if you wanted a mate you'd simply fight for her, if your mate liked another male, just beat the crap out of that one and she'd realize you were the right choice to make her future offspring stronger.

Little did Zhao Wei realize that his way of thinking was drifting farther and farther away from the normal human and coming upon the borders of wild animals.

"Why are we stopping?" Moto-tsune asked quizzically as Zhao Wei slowed down.

"We're far enough from them, I doubt they would catch up... What, you wanna ride on my shoulders your whole life?" Zhao Wei asked sarcastically, directly dropping Moto-tsune, washing his hands with some of his own water went straight to digging his fingers right into the bullet wounds to try and pull the shrapnel out.

"We're definitely not far enough." Moto-tsune spoke as he looked towards the direction from which they came. "We have to get out of here now!"

"What are you..." Zhao Wei's words were cut short as he reached out with his senses, feeling a vibration that was soft but getting louder quite rapidly. "Haaa... Screw it, if they want to play, let's play."

"Yeah... you go ahead and do that..." Moto-tsune said as he sprinted in the opposite direction of the sound.

To his surprise however, it didn't take long for Zhao Wei to catch up to him. 'Guess he was just trying to act tough.' Moto-tsune thought.

From Zhao Wei's words, he thought Zhao Wei would be staying there for a fight, for a moment there, he'd actually admired the guy's bravery. Seeing him like this, he felt that at least the guy had some sense, but his evaluation of him had gone down somewhat.


In the area where they were standing less than 2 minutes ago, suddenly several vehicles burst into view.

A few armored vehicles were in the center of the convoy while several motorcycles and ATV's surrounded the group, carrying two men each, one to drive, one to shoot.

"Where'd they run?..." One of the men commanded from an armored car.

"It sees they've just been continuing straight ever since they left us, there's some zig zagging... but mostly just straight." Another man replied.

'Were these guys idiots?' Almost everyone thought in unison. If they were going to escape shouldn't they at least change directions once in a while? It wouldn't be very useful since they had one ranger class whose passive was the ability to track prey, but they'd still be able to buy a few seconds of time.

A few seconds wasn't much, but any war veteran knew, in such a situation, a few seconds made the difference between life and death.

It was understandable if Moto-tsune were to do such a foolish thing. He wasn't stupid in the slightest, or else he'd never be able to reach his position, the man was pretty strong too. But being strategically smart and being strong in a fight did not necessarily mean one was able to use those traits everywhere. The man had no survival skills or knowledge of nature, making the wilderness the absolute worst place for him to be.

But that other guy seemed like he thrived in the wild, especially considering the skins he was wearing for clothes. That meant that he knew the outdoors enough to even outsmart some wild beasts, why was he doing such a foolish act?

"Something's fishy..." One of them said. No one retorted this, they'd all seen those slimy tentacle things and they weren't dumb enough to think that he had only the few he had used on them, which admittedly was quite a large number already.

"Let'd do a search and rescue formation, once anyone spots them send up a flare, we'll converge in circle form..." The one at the top commanded.