

Zhao Wei stopped in his tracks, attracting Moto-tsune's attention who stopped as well. The way this man acted was weird, he was faster than him by far which Moto-tsune was reluctant to admit due to his assassin class which was supposed to specialize in dexterity and speed, and yet, he'd kept the same pace as him through out their escape.

Not really because he was slowing down for him. But the man had been zig zagging all around the environment, sometimes even stopping to do something before catching up to him again.

And after all that he'd suddenly stopped and turned back. Was he planning to fight head on after all?

"Hey man, what can you do?" Zhao Wei suddenly asked.

"Huh!?" Moto-tsune was caught off guard.

"We don't have time for you to be confused! what do you do?" Zhao Wei asserted.

"Oh, I'm an assassin..." For the first time, Moto-tsune had found himself unable to respond properly in a conversation.

"Ok, I think we need to stay and fight so I'll draw you a map, try to avoid these places. Zhao Wei crouched on the ground, tore off some of the hide he was wearing as a coat and started drawing on it.

"Are you insane? We can't fight that many guys!" Moto-tsune shouted.

"Well that's too bad cause we can't outrun them either." Zhao Wei replied without so much as a glance towards the Japanese man.

"What?" Moto-tsune scanned the area they just came from. He could feel the vibrations of the vehicles getting closer, though not at the same speed as before. And they were no longer concentrated on both of their tracks like before.

Instead it seems like their whole convoy was spread out, but what difference did it make if they were chasing them as one whole group or in such a formation?

As if reading the questions in his head Zhao Wei answered quickly. "I'm a trapper class, I've been laying down traps all the while behind us hoping to slow them down, but they seem to only be sending a few down that route. At this rate, they'll be on us in 2-3 minutes even if we try to speed up as much as possible."

"Okay I guess." 'Outrunning the vehicles was wishful thinking in the first place anway...' Mototsune thought. At the very least, he was going down swinging. And as an assassin in this environment, they were going to feel hell... "wwwWAIT! YOU'RE A TRAPPER!?... YOU'RE FROM OUR WORLD!?... THOSE THINGS WERE TRAPS!... MM!"

Zhao Wei held his hand over Moto-tsune's mouth. "Shut up man! Are you trying to tell them where we are!? Why don't you hold up an LED sign saying 'WE'RE HERE!' while you're at it!?"

Moto-tsune couldn't help it, he'd been struck by flashes of realizations over and over again and had so many new questions in his head. Like where was he from? How did his traps turn out that way? How was his physical attributes on par or even higher than combat classes?

But he more than anything understood that this was not the time for that yet. If they both could survive this, then that would be the time to ask.

Calming himself down, Moto-tsune looked at the map Zhao Wei drew and there was an eerie glint that flashed across his glasses.


It took half as long as they predicted for the men arrive at the spot they were just a few moments ago.

"Damn! Where'd they go?" Someone shouted.

"Sh*t, Search around! They can't have gotten far, even the fastest man in central can just barely outrun vehicles."

Turns out, the pressure of death was simply a bluff from one of their own, they really did need Moto-tsune for their plans to work, because one of two things would probably happen. Either they'd send someone who'd be even tougher to deal with, or they'd simply cut off supplies here to avoid any hassles.

Even if they were given abundant supplies to come here, consumable things like gas and bullets weren't infinite. They still needed to keep connections to Central despite them trying to keep all the profits of this land for themselves.

Central on the other hand could do with or without this piece of land. Being one of the largest communities of old world humans since the change, their reach was incredible. They were already attempting to conquer several other larger pieces of land in other places. To them, this operation was no different to getting some pocket change.

They chose to send people here simply because it was easy. A town of humans were already surviving here which meant that they didn't need to send a large expedition to research the environment's potential of sustaining human life. And there was already a functioning community here, so Centra would only need to build upon it, instead of trying to send people to build in a completely uninhabited land.

If they were to really lose Moto-tsune at this juncture then they'd either be completely stranded here or they'd have to go back under central's thumb. This could happen assuming Moto-tsune never found his way back. If he did, forget about even working for central, they'd be lucky if they weren't hunted down or worse yet, banned from any old world human establishments.

In a world where it was uncertain if you'd live today, being forced into a nomadic lifestyle was no different than a death sentence.

The whole group heard screams, startling them right out of their bleak future imaginations. The weird thing was that it was coming from behind them instead of in front. 'Could we have been moving too fast and passed by those guys already?'