
They closed the circled immediately, figuring they would catch the two in the center once they got close enough.

What they didn't expect however, was that they would arrive at the center, only to find 10 of their men tied up, their weapons and vehicles were piled up in one spot.

One of the men walked towards them to cut them loose...

"Wait!" One of the guys screamed.

"AAAHHH!!!" The startled guy jumped away and scrambled backwards. glaring at him when he realized nothing had happened. "What's the big idea man!? you scared the sh*t out of me."

"Sorry... I'm just worried they set up a trap here, or else, why'd they leave these guys alive and in the open?" The man answered.

"What're we supposed to do then?"

"Gimme a sec, I'll call for back up." He reached his hand into his pocket, but before he was able to pull anything out he had to dodge away from where he was standing as a pebble had come flying at him.

Despite his attempts however, the stone still landed heavily on him, right on the pocket his hand was reaching into. Although he felt the impact quite a bit, he just smirked and pulled out a knife which was now bent at the center.

He figured that they were pretty close and that the first thing they'd target would be the comms, so he decided to play the old switcheroo, which worked perfectly.

"One of them's at 2 o'clock in the trees, don't pursue just keep eyes on it and shoot anythng that moves, bring the cars around, we'll use them as cover..." He ordered.

"What're you going to do?" One of them asked.

"Oh, y'know, lounge around, get a tan, maybe find a pina colada to drink in this hot weather... What do you think?" He replied sarcastically while pulling out the real comm and attaching it to an amplifier.

"This is team Charlie, calling in to base..."

Zhao Wei was astonished. This battle was going a whole lot different than he planned. If they were just stronger than him then he'd probably still be able to take them down with a little effort. But they were intelligent and pretty well versed in tactics, so much so that he was the one who was baited into taking the initiative and opening up his position willingly to them.

He was honestly quite annoyed at this point, seeing as how he'd actually set quite a few delayed traps around their captured comrades. If they'd just enter, then it'd be akin to entering a cage with his traps serving as the bars. But now, they were camping just a few meters away from it. making the whole set up completely useless, almost as if taunting him.

So far, every time he'd decided on a course of action, it's effects would be completely nullified or at least limited due to their perfect response. He suddenly missed fighting Jormugandr. One could say what they want, but at least that thing was sincere and rushed right into his traps properly... Imagine what he would've done if the Jormugandr was to continuously try to avoid his traps instead?

They weren't that far from the main base either, so unless they wanted to be trapped both from the front and back they needed to do something now...

He was trying to rack his brain for an idea, but none seemed to come to him. He forgot however, that he wasn't exactly alone right now, as his senses suddenly picked up Moto-tsune moving towards the group.


Moto-tsune was quite incensed right now. Mainly because he was actually at quite a disadvantage. His stats and skill choice absolutely required him to have a gun to actually be effective in combat. Without it, he was basically reduced to only 20% of his abilities.

He was hoping that once Zhao Wei made a move, he'd be able to infiltrate the group in the fray and acquire a fire arm for himself. That hope was dashed when they responded way too organized. In the first bout, Zhao Wei was able to take out quite a lot of these guys mainly because they were underestimating him, and he caught them completely off guard.

They definitely learned their lesson after the first time and were superbly thwarting him and responding to his threat with the little bit of information about him that they got from that fight. Not to mention all the guys here were those that were relatively unhurt while Zhao Wei was already weighed down with several bullet wounds.

Hence he really had to step up this round. Actually everything into the steal skill, which he had completely ignored up till now. All his skills were made towards combat as he had never even considered needing such a skill at his job, and he had never wanted to think of himself as akin to a thief.

But desperate times called for desperate measures, he thought as he snuck behind a guy at the edge of the group, attempting to take a hand gun from the guy's holster. Half way through however, the man was alerted to his presence and immediately turned around, spotting the assassin in broad daylight.

Moto-tsune cursed in his heart, even if he did expect it a little. Even if he had just strengthened his steal skill, it was still at the beginner levels. It was hard enough to even steal from a normal person with it, not to mention attempting to steal from a soldier who was at the intermediate levels.

He had no time to think at this point, so he sped up his hands as quickly as he could, reaching towards the closest thing on the man's body he could grasp and pulled out anything he could find, which was luckily a flashbang.

"Guys! he's he.. Ugkh!" The man hollered, but before he could finish, Moto-tsune had used his fingers to jab at the mans throat, causing the air to rush out of it and stop him breathing a few seconds.

The word was out already however, as he could feel the rest of them shift in their positions and would arrive here at any second. 'I hope you can use the opportunity well.' He pulled the pin and threw it in the middle of where there were the most people.