Alive or dead?

Unfortunately, Zhao Wei had never had the chance to handle a flash bang and did not realize that one had to turn away from it. If it weren't because he was farther away from it than everyone else, then he'd be at a complete disadvantage as he stumbled towards them half blind.

Grabbing onto the first person, both of them confusedly fumbled each other's body. Zhao Wei realizing faster than the man, that he was his enemy. Holding the mans gun down as he tried to raise it to point at Zhao Wei. Realizing he had no time to struggle with the man, Zhao Wei instead released his hands, letting the gun fly up in front of his face from the man's own strength. Right before slamming the gun at his face like a bad recoil, obliterating the cartilage in his nose.

These guys weren't weak by the slightest as the man did not drop from that blow, bringing one of his hands to his face to feel the warmth of the blood flowing down. He had just regained his vision when he saw Zhao Wei rush towards him and hug him.

He used his hands to pat around the man's kevlar vest several times before pushing him towards the rest of the group. Somehow he had become a human snowball as he stumbled towards his teammates. Any person he'd bump into would set off a wrap trap Zhao Wei had placed on his body and stick them together.

The more people he bumped into, the larger the human snowball became, before a pile of at least 8 people found themselves bound up together and latched to the side of an armored car.

Not wasting the confusion that was unfolding, Moto-tsune ransacked a man's body and equipped himself, unloading bullets into four of the men closest to him. He picked up one of the automatic guns and threw it at Zhao Wei.

"Hey man, use this!"

Zhao Wei caught the gun despite his tampered eyesight and unloaded it into the group. While one may assume that they can shoot just by watching the movies and copying what they did, it's much harder than it looks.

For one, after shooting 17 bullets or so, only one of his bullets barely nicked a guy's calf. With the gun's weight and Zhao Wei's strength, the process of shooting became a disorienting activity for him.

"Screw this." He muttered.

Flipping the gun around he held it by the barrel and swung it as one would a baseball bat. The mixture of steel, aluminum and plastic barely dented as it barreled through the bones in a man's arm and pressed on towards his ribs. Swinging it above his head, he threw the thing which ricocheted comically off another guy's head and landed on his buddy standing next to him.

They were making easy work of those who had left the safety of their vehicles, but not all of them were left in the open. Two armored cars still had passengers and drivers in them, and they weren't effected as much by the previous flash bangs.

Moto-tsune tried to unload as much as he could into one whose engine came alive and the driver tried to pull out of this skirmish to no avail. These things were prepared for war, everything from the wheels to the glass were made to be tougher than what a few bullets could get through. Although, with Moto-tsune's skill, the vehicle's defense was tested to the limit, to the chagrin of those behind it's protection.

The car easily pulled itself out.

"Crap! we have to get out of here, those guys will regroup with the reinforcements and bring them straight here!" Moto-tsune hollered.

"We'll figure that out if we can get out of this one first." Zhao Wei replied, the other car had also turned on, but the inhabitants of the vehicle had taken a different choice as compared to their comrade.

Instead of escaping, the men in the passenger seats opened the roof to get to the mini gun on top of the roof. Zhao Wei had one simple response to this, which was to lob Panda right into the opening.

One Panda and four guys in a very enclosed space, it was safe to say that the result was far from pretty. Moto-tsune was busy taking down the ones that entered his line of sight, but from time to time, his gaze would flicker between Zhao Wei crushing opponents with his adroit yet crushingly powerful physique and the car which shook violently while pitiful screams for mercy that lacked any of the battle ridden-masculinity that was supposedly ingrained into them.

From time to time he would think, considering that he'd been on the other side just less than an hour back, if he had to face either one, who would he have preferred to be tortured under? Unlike him, they didn't have the intent to kill in any of their actions.

But looking at the excruciating state in which anyone who stood up to them were left in... Maybe it'd be far more merciful to just finish them off from the get go.

Or at least knock them out! those anguished groans that suited the dead better than the living were a great distraction to his concentration. Every once in a while, he would wonder if he should waste on or two bullets on them, it'd be the humane thing to do...

He decided against it simply because he didn't want to go against any decision they made, lest he should annoy them, leaving him with no army to go to and no super human to keep him safe.

Luckily, he himself wasn't forced to keep them alive. Unlike them, he didn't have the confidence to beat them quite literally within an inch of their life while preserving his own.