
"Ok, how many of you guys are there exactly!?" Zhao Wei shouted as he took down his nth number of guys in a row. Like with the apes, the constant battle was wearing down on him bit by bit.

There'd been no injuries that would take him down so far, but the little ones had begun to accumulate and wear away at him. The good thing was that whenever he was caught off guard here, he wasn't instantly met with near death agony.

In his wake were at least 40 people on the ground in the span of several minutes, many of whom were taken out pretty early by his and Moto-tsune's team work. But seeing as how they'd just met some time ago before being hunted down, there were bound to be a few flaws.

Early in the fight, Moto-tsune had passed seven guns to Zhao Wei before realizing he couldn't use one and would instead lob it towards one of the soldier's heads. He was wrapped up three times as well before figuring that he shouldn't fight too close to Zhao Wei or even tread where Zhao Wei had tread before.

"Wheeze* that's the last one..." Moto-tsune put a bullet right between the eyes of one of his former subordinates before sighing in relief. Pulling a trigger could be considered much easier to do, atleast compared to Zhao Wei's "Bull doze through everyone" style of fighting. But he also had to make sure he didn't get hit by anything so that he could continue shooting, now that part was exhausting.

Zhao Wei was pleasantly surprised by this fact. Physique aside, Moto-tsune was extremely skilled, to to even the point that he himself could only admit that he was a tad lower than the guy. Compared to him, Moto-tsune had come out of the fight relatively clean.

"How do you fight like that?" Zhao Wei accidentally blurted out.

"Hmm? Like what?" Moto-tsune replied.

"Eh.. like you... how do you keep yourself completely unharmed even in such a tough fight?" Zhao Wei asked.

"If I had to differentiate between us, I guess it'd be confidence..." Moto-tsune answered.


"Maybe.. that's.. not the right word for it." Moto-tsune pondered. "It's like... when I fight, I feel like prey, I'm pretty sure that if I get hit a few times I will go down, and my main focus is to survive the attacks."

"When you fight however, it's like you're immortal, like a predator in the midst of prey, you swing with no regard of what they do..." The more he explained his analysis, the more he was astonished by it himself as he'd just come up with it on the spot and his mind was digesting the information almost at the same time as he was saying it.

'Or maybe because you're such a monster that at least 80% of them were more focused on you instead of me..' Was what he wanted to answer.

'Maybe he's right...' Zhao Wei thought. His mindset in that battle just now was quite unsettling. He was used to fighting above his weight. Every beast he'd met until now were faster, stronger, tougher and more often than not, had more ways to kill another than he did. Even with his best plans he'd just be toeing the line between life and death when facing them.

Never once had he thought to simply stop a beast from fighting back, he never had the luxury. But against these guys, he'd been going easy, even though they'd outsmarted him at certain points, he had also given them the opportunity.

In every fight till now, he'd always planned from A, B, C down to plan O at the very least. Rarely did he ever have to completely rely on his fists without some well placed traps.

Even though he won, it was dangerous, and he should know. He'd always been fighting beasts that were far superior to him. If he on his own could do that, it was far less difficult for these guys to kill him.

A stray bullet to one of his vitals like his eyes would put him down immediately. Just the thought of it made him shiver.

"Helllooo...?" Moto-tsune had been waving his hand in front of Zhao Wei's face for a few seconds only to get a confused blinking in response. "Uh... We should make a move, can you drive?"


"Where did they hide this many people!?" Tes shouted.

They'd joined the rest of the army after clearing out the men up there, but there was a little part that wondered if they would be able to change anything with just the four of them while a few hundred well equipped men appeared on the other side's ranks.

Needless to say, their side was getting mowed down even faster than before. The guys before had been shooting like Rambo, it wasn't a bad approach to this situation, but it was inefficient. Since they were shooting haphazardly into a crowd, then some tens of bullets would've landed on some guy on the front lines who was dead or so close to it. Not only did this waste the machine guns rapid fire, but it also increased the number of times one had to reload, a precious few seconds when the enemy was right in front of ones face.

The new comers to the battle were a game changer. Compared to the continuous rat-tat-tat of the soldiers before, they would shoot their guns intermittently, making every shot count. A small gap had begun to form between the previously clashing armies.