Gave chase

Few moments back...

"Where the heck are they?" Zhao Wei asked, "didn't you say their reinforcements would be arriving soon?"

"Yes I did, just be patient..." Moto-tsune squinted his eyes to look as far as he could into the distance. It was a weird feeling for both of them.

Somehow they were hoping that they could take a break after all that fighting, but at the same time, there was a little disappointment that was growing by the second while they waited for those men's arrival.

"Well... that's the no.1 defense for the human race for you..." Zhao Wei muttered under his breath.

"They are the no.1 defense for the human race! mind you, despite what just did, they had time and time again put themselves on the front lines to make sure all of us don't get wiped out" Moto-tsune responded to Zhao Wei's sarcasm almost immediately, 'Wait, why exactly am I defending them?' Moto-tsune thought.

They'd been able to catch their breath while waiting for their opponents, during which time Zhao Wei was caught up on what the rest of humanity had been doing while he was away. And from what he heard, it seemed quite a lot.

The first few months were spent quite literally staving off a mass genocide, as like Zhao Wei all the humans of the old world were simply too weak, whether it was against beasts, races or even just the weather. Their numbers plummeted almost as if extinction was on steroids during that period.

Years of continuous advancements in technology and comfort made sure that humans were completely useless when they were thrown back into the wild. Where their constructed shelters meant jack squat, their next meal bit back and that one piece of branded t-shirt they had on their backs was worth less than a piece of bread, if they could even find one.

Most of the government and army was only able to respond properly by the third month, by which at least 40% of humans had died out, and that was a conservative estimate at best. If there was one thing that was good about everyone amassing weapons in the old world, it was that during a time like this one, all those expensive million dollar and billion dollar weapons that they were aiming at each other could finally be put to use defending the whole race.

It took a whole year, but finally the large nations of the old world (Those that could be found, at the very least), gathered as many people as they could, and built the giant sanctuary that was Central. It was quite a marvel what happened what a fraction of humanity could do when the were all clumped up together with no where else to go, as within months, a giant country had begun to form, complete with it's own army.

By the second year, Central had begun sending exhibition teams, to search for human settlements either to bring them back to central or helping them develop their land should there be resources to be gained from it.

Moto-tsune and his army was one such team, arriving months earlier before Zhao Wei and his friends had and already finding the Bartram's settlement and Tithor's people in this bloody feud. As a deployment from central, their first prerogative was the safety and well being of old world humans compared to any other inhabitants so their side was already chosen for them, regardless if they were good or bad.

"I don't think they are coming for us..." Moto-tsune's words snapped Zhao Wei back into reality, he'd been trying to think about all these new things he'd just learnt. Especially considering that if Central was a the largest group of humans currently in this world, and if their activities were really as Moto-tsune described, wouldn't it be his best chance at finding her?

"... they're probably pushing all their manpower into the war..." Moto-tsune's words rang out in his ears.

"What!?" Zhao Wei had forgotten after all the excitement that the crux of the problem wasn't him or Moto-tsune, it was the war he'd come to put an end to in the first place. "We've gotta get there!"

"Huh? to do what?" Moto-tsune looked at him pitifully. "Look... it was already too late when you came storming into command before and even more so now."

Zhao Wei ignored him and began tracing their paths back.

"There's no stopping this it's done!" Moto-tsune tried to hold Zhao Wei's shoulder which he simply shrugged off. "There's too much blood spilled there already! Even if our side stops and retreat do you think their side's just going to let it go!? And if neither one of them wants to stop!? What then?... Are you expecting the both us to beat them both down, scratch that, are YOU going to neat them both down!?"

"If I have to..." Zhao Wei muttered a soft reply before he began bounding towards the distance.

Moto-tsune looked at the pile of crazy fate had inexplicably tied him to...


And gave chase.