Probably kill them...

It took but moments for the two of them to reach where they'd come from.

For all their faults, the Central's army men had done them a kindness when they had traced and pursued them so quickly. For it had saved them so much time on the way back.

And yet...

Within the hour that they'd used to keep their lives, the world they'd left had changed.

Before, it was but a sea of blood, fire and smoke. A consistency that all battlefields held in similarity.

If these parched grounds could speak, it would rejoice at the sacks of fresh fertilizer dropped left and right, and the sloshy crimson that was imprisoned under their skins began to quench it's thirst.

But mix that ichor with a tinge of heat, and each layer of blood would dry before another would wash upon it, petrifying it in a coat after coat of scab.

Ever so fervently vowing to blind it forever from the sun, to weigh it's taut bodies back into the ground, to choke the green out of it's leaves, and ultimately drown it in the sweet scent of iron and smoke.

So whenever one would lift their eyes unto the barren footing it was destined to be...

They'd know...

Oh! How they'd know!

That War was here...

And accompanying her chariot, Death.


"I can't beat all of them up alone..." Zhao Wei muttered under his breath.

Even if they'd practically cut each other's armies in half, there was still hundreds of them down there.

"Oh thank God... We're finally stepping off the crazy bus..." Moto-tsune sighed in relief, he thought that with how Zhao Wei was going, they'd jump straight into the war as soon as they'd arrive. At least the man knew where his limits were...

"But maybe I can stop all of them in one go?" Zhao Wei pondered.

"And... we're back on." His sigh of relief was short lived, turning into a sigh of 'why am I even here in the first place?'.

"Can you work that?" Zhao Wei suddenly pointed out.

Moto-tsune looked at where Zhao Wei was pointing, began sweating and refused to make eye contact with him again...

"If I could, what would it have to do with what you have planned?" Moto-tsune asked while looking at the beautiful grey sky.

"Can you?" Zhao Wei stared at him even more intently.

"Well, everyone in Central has gone through mandatory training which includes handling of vehicles, but it's very basic and I can't promise you I'd be anything other than moving it forward so..." Moto-tsune thought that if he gave a legitimate excuse, it would deter Zhao Wei from using him in whatever he had cooked up in that probably battle addled brain of his, but the reply shut his mouth up completely.

"So you can drive forward?" Zhao Wei said with a grin...

Sweating even more, Moto-tsune's eyes darted back and forth, hoping he could spot someone to help him. "Uh... no?"

"That's great!"


"Took you long enough... For such a big guy I expected you to be able to cover this distance faster." Thirteen watched indifferently.

The giant ape harrumphed, looking up at the top of his head. 'I already brought you here as you wished and you still have the nerve to complain?'

If there was one thing Thirteen was used to, it was blood. So it absolutely befuddled her why Zhao Wei would be so distressed at the sight of something like this.

If it was up to her, she'd just have this big lug stampede straight into the battlefield and squash alot of them in one go.

Then those who were alive would be too afraid to continue fighting, given that they'd even have enough men left to even mount a proper retaliation.

Then again... she thought, she'd been slipping in and out of commander tents during wars so much that this might as well be a slow Friday for her. She'd seen the kids her age in almost every kingdom including her own, most of them probably wouldn't have the same thought process she did... More naive, and innocent...

Bah! she snapped herself out of it. 'It's Zhao Wei's fault, he's making me go soft...' Then she remembered the day they first met... The first things he said... The first time she was treated as anything other than a killer in so long...

"Aargh! always making everything more difficult than it has to be!" She shouted, to the confusion of both the ape and Myra. "Screw it! let's just get in there and knock them down one by one."

The giant ape looked at his pillar sized arms and then looked at her as if asking, 'How the heck do you expect me to do that?'

"I don't know! You're an ape! Fling your sh!t at them! Maybe the stench will knock them out... Sniff* Sniff*" Suddenly a rancid smell invaded her nostrils. "Not now! are you trying to knock them out, or knock me out?" She held her nose as tightly shut as humanly possible.

"You know what? Don't fling your sh!t at them... this smell will probably kill them..."