Back seat driver

"Go a little left!"

"Now Right!"

"You know! Nobody likes a back seat driver!" Moto-tsune spat at Zhao Wei who was shouting commands at him. Just as a bullet whizzed by his head, taking some of his hair with it.

"Well, I think you'd probably like it better than having a permanent souvenir in your skull!" Zhao Wei shouted back.

"Fine! but at least stop pulling me around when you want me to turn, this isn't temple run, I can't switch lanes just because you tilt me!" Moto-tsune replied.

They were deep into the central army's ranks.

So much so that all they could see around them were the camouflage bearing bodies of the soldiers. While they had wanted to make a dash for where both armies were colliding, it was pretty hard to navigate when they were right in the middle of it compared to when they were looking at it from on high.

At this point, they were taking it by ear and moving towards the skirmish by following the clanging of armor. All while dodging the non-occasional bullets, and it was getting harder and harder to dodge as they moved forward, seeing as how all the heavy weapons were already delegated to the front.

And being at the center of it all they were taking shots from every direction. No matter how skilled they were, the both of them had to tank some bullets here and there to get through it.

And even though less had hit Moto-tsune, it was evident that he was taking it far worse than Zhao Wei was. He was of course, unlike Zhao Wei who had been on the brink of death too many times for any of the damage he was receiving right now to matter.

"Stop the ATV!" Zhao Wei decided.

"What!?" Moto-tsune asked, "You realize that the only reason that we only have 'several' bullets holes instead of ALOT of bullet holes is because we're going beyond any highway speed limit right?"

"Yes, I'm aware." Zhao Wei explained... "But we won't make it to the front like this, but if I prepare it right I think I can launch us all the way there with a big explosion."

This was met with a sudden, awkward silence, which one would usually consider impossible right in the middle of a war, but despite the circumstances they made the situation work somehow.

"Hey dude, you okay?" Zhao Wei poked Moto-tsune's back.

"Hmm? what? oh! I thought we weren't listening to each other at all." Moto-tsune responded. "Because if we were listening to each other, you would've probably hear me say 'What the hell!?' and heard my distressed and panicked tone and realize that it wasn't a good moment for you to add another nutty idea on top of your last one!"

They shared another moment of silence after Moto-tsune's outburst.

"You didn't day what the hell..." Zhao Wei whispered.


"You didn't say 'what the hell', you just said 'what'." Zhao Wei repeated himself. ".. just setting the record straight."

"Are you serious right now!?" Moto-tsune groaned.

"Don't know why you're shouting, I'm just stating facts, geez" Zhao Wei responded indifferently.

"Haaa..." A tired sigh left Moto-tsune's mouth as his shoulders hunched ever so slightly. Instantly he punched the brakes, causing the whole thing to slide in the wet mud before coming to a stop, startling both it's passenger as well as their enemies.

Moto-tsune almost jumped up and turned around to face Zhao Wei, putting his hands on the guy's shoulders. "You know what, maybe it's my fault... I.. I didn't explain.. myself properly.. uhh.. yeah so I hope this will make it clear for now and any future situations." Slowly but surely through those lines, The hands turned into fists, taking with them clumps of beast hide whilst pulling Zhao Wei closer to his face.


In the midst of a warzone, spittle was flying like shrapnel, bombarding Zhai Wei and attempting to bury him under it. With each word flying faster and louder than a machine gun going off right next to one's ear.

"Hah hah hah..." Mototsune was huffing and puffing after the barrage.

"U.." Zhao Wei wanted to respond again but his lips were stopped by Moto-tsune's finger right in front of them.

"I'm not done yet... Hooo... man that is exhausting." Moto-tsune spoke to himself. "Ok where was I... Oh, right. AND JUST IN CASE IT DOESN'T GET THROUGH YOUR HEAD, THE IMPLICATION WOULD EXTEND TO WORDS AND PHRASES SUCH AS #$%^ AND !@#$ AND ESPECIALLY 'WHAT THE !@#$ING $$%^ IS IN THAT !@#$ING HEAD OF YOURS!'"

Somehow despite being stationary for that time, they weren't shot. It seemed that humans had a penchant for drama more than they did violence. They were far more curious about what the fight was about than the objective of killing the two men.

After another minute or so Moto-tsune was left huffing and puffing and mostly at a loss of profanities to throw at him.

"Are you done?" Zhao Wei asked.

"Yeah I think I'm about done." He replied.

"Great me too." Zhao Wei replied confidently as he wrapped one arm around Moto-tsune and another reached for the ATV.

"Huh?" Moto-tsune didn't catch on. 'What was he done about!?' He thought incoherently.

Before he could translate his thoughts into words however, Zhao Wei revved up the ATV and said. "Well you might want to hold on tight."