
Crazy plans were somehow Zhao Wei's forte.

Regardless of how ludicrous it was, he made it work.

However, that was not to say he liked them at all, not even close. The thing about it was that, he always came up with these in life and death situations, which also meant that he had to nail everything perfectly at his very first attempt.

For one thing, one could never get any practice for 'life and death' situations simply because the latter part of that phrase was a non-negotiable part of it. Even if there was a possibility for that, the very first words out of Zhao Wei's mouth would be "No", "Hell No" or any other rendition of the word, escalating in intensity and vulgarity.

He did not appreciate the spontaneity required, to simply jump in, hope for the best, and think on his feet in case anything went awry.

Which did most of the time.

Forcing his heart to beat at a pace and strength that would have probably given him several heart attacks had he still been a normal human of the old world.

In moments such as this one.

Where he'd launched him, and his unlikely companion forward on a crumbling ATV at the highest speed it could achieve, attached the both of them to it's top with wrap traps and decided to give them a slight boost into the air by triggering the explosive trap he attached to it's bottom, hoping that the ATV's already cracking top would be solid enough to withstand the explosion, launch them up...

Keeping up?.. No? Neither was he.

..and have the momentum propel them to their destination, which was at the very center of two warring armies... Some thoughts went through his head.

The main one being a self reflection on his ability to think of such meticulously idiotic plans which probably suited catching the Road Runner more than it did actual combat.

This was mixed with ones that told him how stupid this was, followed with a reply in his own head about how much he knew that.

All in all, those thoughts would always end up meeting with a part of him which posed the most important question during these moments, which was "Why?"

Like many of the big questions in life, there were either no answers or too many answers that fit the criteria. For one thing, if he knew why? then he wouldn't be up here screaming that question over and over again would he?

It was still, however, better than his back seat companion who was struggling between attempting to formulate a coherent thought whilst keeping a tight grip over his bladder as he watched the ground close-in in mere fractions of a second.

Both thought processes continued up till they found their vision turn pitch black as Zhao Wei's traps activated once more and covered them whole.

Now however, the form of two daredevils flying through the sky attempting the impossible was reduced to the visage of a giant flying... adult toy... or turd, whichever you may find more comfortable imagining.

It was a blessing in disguise however, as inappropriate that disguise was..

As such a huge phallic object hurtling through the air was similarly eye catching to both sides and surprisingly both men and women alike.

For a few seconds, not a single pair of eyes were able to pry themselves away from it.

Not when it was reaching the peak of its height, and certainly not when it raised up a mushroom cloud of dust the moment it planted itself into the ground.

These few seconds formed a lull during which not a single life was taken in this war.


It was a very sudden reprieve from the clamor of metal and gunshots echoing previously which set the whole place into an awkward silence.

Most were trying to figure if they should continue on, but somehow they weren't exactly sure.

For one thing, none of them had seen anything like it, so they were worried it was another weapon or spell from the other side they had to watch out for.

Other than that, it felt like the whole blood-lust and warring mood had been broken.

For a moment there, so much blood was being spilt that most of their vision was dyed crimson. None could confidently conclude whether it was their enemy's or one of their own that washed over them.

And in the very heat of it, such an absurd event had wedged itself so suddenly that swords stopped itself right on the skin of a neck, and fingers found itself just a tremor short of another bullet in the head.