Forgive us

"Hey what's going on?"

"Are we still doing this?"

"What happened to the thing that was flying past just a moment ago?"

"I'm not sure we gotta ask the guys in the front."

"Hey man, what's happening up there."

"I'm not sure, two guys stepped out of the flying object earlier."

"Are they aliens?"

"NO, two normal guys, do you have any brains, when have aliens ever existed."

"Oh sure, we live witha system in our heads, fight monsters on a daily basis and 'Aliens' is where you draw the line."

"Would you guys stop back there?"

"Hey can you tell us what you see down there?"

"Yeah" "Yeah" "Yeah"

"I'm not sure."

"What do you mean?"

"Well these two guys came out, but besides looking around and talking among themselves, they haven't really done anything, one of them looks like the commanding officer back in camp"

"You mustn't be seeing it right! What would our commanding officer be doing here?"

"That's why I told you I'm not sure, if you're so curious, why don't you go up there and ask him?... Though I have to say that the guys who came as our reinforcements have been giving off a really ugly look since he appeared."

"What about the other guy?"

"Dunno. Never seen him before."

"If he's with out commanding officer then shouldn't he be one of our guys?"

"He doesn't look like it, dude's kinda built more like the barbarians."

"That's racist."

"What is!?"

"You can't judge a guy just cause he looks different."

"I'm not."

"You just went 'Dude's KINDA bUiLt MoRE liKe BaRbaRiAns'"


"I don't sound like that..."

"Lol, he's actually doing a pretty good impression of you."

"WHATEVER! The point I was trying to make is that he's got this burly shape to him that runs more on that side."

"Hey! our guys are burly too."

"Says the man with a beer belly."

"I have a condition!"

"What condition? Can't-stop-stuffing-my-mouth-itis?"

*Sniff* "It's low blood sugar you jerk!"

"Jamie! C'mon I was joking!"

"Dude what's with the body shaming? It's year 2 in literally a new world man, not cool."

*Sigh* "I'll apologize."


"What?" "Hmm?" "Huh?"

"Any of you guys feel like the grounds moving?..."


"Hey what's going on?"

"Are we still doing this?"

"What happened to the thing that was flying past just a moment ago?"

"I'm not sure we gotta ask the guys in the front."

"Hey man, what's happening up there."

"I'm not sure, two guys stepped out of the flying object earlier."

"Are they Gods?"

"NO, two normal guys, do you have any brains, when have Gods ever existed."

"Oh sure, alot of new people come out of nowhere, bringing those weird loud things that kill people and 'Gods' is where you draw the line."

"Would you guys stop back there?"

"Hey can you tell us what you see down there?"

"Yeah" "Yeah" "Yeah"

"I'm not sure."

"What do you mean?"

"Well these two guys came out, but besides looking around and talking among themselves, they haven't really done anything, one of them looks like our people, he's certainly got the body for it."

"You mustn't be seeing it right! Why would one of our people come out of that thing?"

"That's why I told you I'm not sure, if you're so curious, why don't you go up there and ask him?...."

"What about the other guy?"

"Dunno. Never seen him before, alot smaller than the other guy though."

"If he's much bigger than their people then he's most definitely one of our people no?"

"I wouldn't be so sure, he's a little too good looking and his body shape is a little sleeker than ours."

"That's gay."

"What is!?"

"C'mon man you gotta hear yourself talk sometimes, you sound like you're interested in him."

"I'm not."

"You just went 'He'S a lItTLE ToO HANdSOmE... HiS bOdy sHape LoOks sleeker'"


"I don't sound like that..."

"Hahahaha, she's actually doing a pretty good impression of you."

"WHATEVER! The point I was trying to make is that he's got nice looks that I wouldn't forget if I saw him in Tithor, even most of our women aren't as nice."

"Maybe both armies should pull back so the both of you can have some privacy, besides we have some pretty good looking guys."

"Says the man who's face would shatter a mirror."



*Sniff* "Go to hell you jerk!"

"Why's he so sensitive?"


"... huh?"

"She's the daughter of Glinda, pretty mom, but she happened to followe after Tim."

"Oh shoot.. Tim the Troll?"

"Yeah.. He's not one you'd like to see in the morning and even less in the dark, but then again which of our guys is? The point is we bring food to the table and that's why the dames marry us ain't it."

"But maybe that's why all the girls get worse with each generation, I hope our grandsons will forgive us."

"What if you have a granddaughter?"

"I'll just have to pray it doesn't come to that."


"What?" "Hmm?"

"Any of you guys feel like the grounds moving?..."