

"Oh shut up! If you have enough breath, then you should use it to run faster! What's the use of such gigantic legs if you don't use them!" A young Naga shouted on top of a giant ape with a shadow wolf sitting next to her.

If you thought that was a loaded sentence, then you'd be in for a ride as all three of them were running from a giant wave of tentacles that were right on their heels like a tsunami washing over wo previously warring armies from different dimensions.


Because while looking at the massive release of those wrap traps was pretty cool, getting caught by them truly diminished that enjoyment by a lot.

Thirteen should know, she'd been in one them.

The ape grunted once more as he took a huge leap, creating some space between them and the horde of tentacles.

As he landed he snorted at Thirteen and set his sights on his hind legs. There was no verbal communication, but she got the point.

They were certainly much shorter than the arms, and it wasn't that his form was out of the ordinary... humongous proportions aside, it was simply that he didn't fall far from the genetic tree. His kind was made for climbing, not racing against Usain Bolt

It's not like he wouldn't want to have longer legs, at his size, how many trees did she think he could climb? He resented being called out on something he couldn't change.

"My God, everyone, big, small, super strong human, giant ape, EVERYONE'S THE SENSITIVE TYPE!" Rubbing her face, before she turned to Myra, "What about you!? You like that too? Of course you are!"

*Rrgh?* Myra whimpered in wide eyed confusion.


A few moments back...

Thirteen had watched as an object flew through the sky.

For some reason, without a shadow of a doubt, she was sure it was Zhao Wei. Somehow in her mind, nobody else was so horrible at being subtle as that man was.

Zhao Wei would probably cry if he knew that was her biggest impression of him... not that this situation did anything to disprove that line of thinking.

"Come on, that's our queue." She commanded, for the first time showing charisma befitting a leader in her life.

Ape, wolf and serpent all leapt into the unknowing fray in one fell swoop ready to tear into the masses.


That majestic entry however, lasted about a minute. Because not long after they were rushing in, did they have to skid to a stop.


The young ape's feet dragging mounds of soil with it, as it's humongous body deftly attempted to drift.


The apes eyes looked up as it groaned at the girl screaming these commands to him as if he didn't know.

The ape took care to not trample anyone (particularly badly) during their advent into the war. But as a multitude of tentacles were right on his tail, he could only wish those that were unfortunate enough to be right under him or in his path of escape, the very best of luck.


In the end, they were left outside, them and the few stragglers who were far enough from the rest of the war to outrun the massive skill Zhao Wei just unleashed here. The rest of them were too packed in with their comrades to make a decent run for the edge.

One in particular had escaped right next to the trio, which Thirteen found kinda funny because he was a little on the heavier side when compared to the men in this war but had somehow outgunned almost everyone.

All four of them looked back at the aftermath which almost looked as if it was just a normal valley of grass at this point...

Except, it was glowing, the grass was squirming, some things inside the grass was squirming... everything was squirming...

The tubby man couldn't help but open his mouth at the sight of such a scene, breaking the silence.

An action which he would regret very soon. "What are we supposd to do now?"

"Who're you?" Thirteen asked.

"Umm Jamie?" the man answered.

"You asking or telling?"

"Umm... telling?"


"Telling." He answered one more time, with confidence this round.

"Okay Jamie is it, that's a nice name... Throw him in." Thirteen commanded.

"Huh? What'd you say?" He asked.

"Sorry I wasn't talking to you." Thirteen explained with an spologetic smile.

Before he could put two and two together a large furry hand grabbed him and lobbed him in right into the sea of wrap traps.

Myra looked at the ape questioningly, who simply shrugged and pointed at the one who gave him the orders, as if to say "I'm just doing what I'm told."

Turning towards Thirteen she received an immediate but not so surprising response.

"He talked too much."

Somehow, this shadow wolf was finding herself resenting her master for having left the her with these two.