The Secret To GodHood!

[School Na Scam]


The idea of packing for a trip is all well and nice, but when you're dumping all of your clothes into a storage ring it was a winder if this could still be considered packing. Alex paused for a minute to contemplate if this sort of action should have a different name of if it still counted as packing up for school, well there's nothing to be done, it's not as if he had time to discuss the philosophical difference between using a bag and storage ring to pack, that would be too easy for people to come. To a conclusion about, Storage ring good, bags are a waste of time and energy.

Books about Alchemy, Blacksmithing and Arrays sat on one side of his bed, while the books in the sect were limited edition, the books at the academy were a compiled experience of every cultivation discipline and from all over the world and from different sects, schools, organizations and kingdoms.