Off To School

They didn't spend enough time in Hong Kong before they were in transit to the kingdom of Australia, so right now Alex, Anya, Louis, Zhang Xiao Mei, Lu Wan and the girl who introduced herself as Gongsun Bai were stuck 30,000 feet in the air with other early entry candidates from the beggar's sect, the Emei sect, the Tang sect, and the Imperial academy.

The Shaolin temple was the place of study for monks of the Buddhist path, many would say they're the birth place of martial arts, or at the very least Earthen martial arts. As such the monks viewed themselves above worldly affairs and weren't too interested in sharing their sacred knowledge with the world or allowing their students experience a world when it's all too possible for them to be corrupted by the sins of society. So while four spots have been offered to them every year ever since the Academy was created, the Shaolin temple has never had a single student enter or graduate from it.