What a Coincidence!

The girl ordering on the counter had her back turned to him but he can recognize that it was Anna, their boss's secretary. Cheng Yan was surprised that she was near his place as this was still a long way from the office. Maybe she lives near here?

Feeling slightly happy, Cheng Yan walked up to the counter to greet her. "Ms. Anna, fancy seeing you here!"

The girl turned and looked surprised too. "Cheng Yan! Shouldn't you just be coming to the office from home now?"

"Yes, my apartment is in this neighborhood."

"Oh, I never knew that. I often come here to eat or buy take-out."

The bell on the counter rang. "Anna, here's your order."

"Thank you, auntie."

"And who's this stranger with you?" the auntie asked while glaring at him.

Cheng Yan did not know what he could have done for her to be mad at him. "Please, auntie, I'm a regular here." he said pleadingly.

"What regular? I have never seen you these days!" the auntie suddenly raised her voice. Even one of the waiters cleaning a table winced.

Cheng Yan looked apologetically at Anna because she looked slighlty confused with their conversation and replied to the old lady, "I've had overtime these past few days. I actually stayed at the office all that time and just got home yesterday afternoon. I've had too much fast food so I want your home cooking again."

"Irene, you're flirting with Cheng Yan again, huh?" They heard a voice from the back. An old man came out from the kitchen and smiled at his wife.

"What flirting?! You know this boy hasn't yet visited us this week!" replied his wife.

The old man turned to Cheng Yan and scolded him, "Young man, what do you have to say for yourself?!"

Cheng Yan sighed defeatedly while looking at the couple. He suddenly heard a tinkling laugh beside him.

When Cheng Yan turned to her, Anna was still smiling. "Are these your relatives?"

Cheng Yan stared at her for a moment, not hearing her question when Auntie Irene answered, "No, Anna, as I said, this boy is a stranger! Hmmph!"

Cheng Yan opened his mouth to explain again when he got cut off, "And don't tell me you're busy at your office. Don't you work in the same department? Anna here actually buys lunch from us everyday!"

Anna smiled again and answered for him, "Then why not he just join me when I have lunch here? Then, auntie, you'll get to see him everyday."

"Good girl, yes, drag this boy here everyday. Her mom actually asked me to look after him once he got here from our province. How am I supposed to do that when he doesn't show himself?!"

"Yes, auntie, I'll be here everyday." Cheng Yan placated. "Now, can I have your specialty today?" he asked while smiling.

"Ok, you kids wait at a table. I'll also get dessert for your officemates."

"Thanks, auntie."

Cheng Yan sighed once the old lady entered the kitchen.

The husband noticed him but only smiled, "You know she misses you. You're like our only son here in the city and us your only family in a new place."

"Yes, Uncle Ferlin. She's even more mothering to me now than my own mother." Cheng Yan laughed.

"Ok, I'll go inside to help too. Come visit sometime so you can cook with her again." And the old man also left.

Cheng Yan looked at Anna and they decided to find a seat. He then explained to her that the couple were a family friend that started to live here in the city since they got married. Since Cheng Yan was going to work near, they were contacted by his parents to help him.

"They often visit the province still so I've known them as a child. They never had children that's why they really focus on me now and even on their young workers."

"Oh, so you cook?" Anna asked. Cheng Yan was surprised and confused which showed on his face.

"Didn't uncle just said you should visit to cook with auntie?"

"Oh, that. Well, I have no time now so I just buy cooked food." Cheng Yan uncomfortably explained.

"Wow! I never learned how to cook so it's good there were restaurants like this with home-cooked meals. So when will you cook again?"

Cheng Yan was uneasy but replied, "I'll probably visit here again this weekend or my next day off to help. I really have no time to even buy groceries."

"Ok, then can I come here too? I wanna try your cooking." Anna leaned slightly on the table to face him.

"S-sure." Cheng Yan stuttered then felt that his face was faintly heating. Suddenly, he remembered his dream. Their faces were a lot closer then and he felt his face got warmer.

Anna just smiled again in reply.

They talked for a while before Auntie Irene rang the bell for their food. After finishing their lunch, they went to the counter again to get their dessert take-out. "Remember to drag this boy with you when you go here." she reminded Anna.

Cheng Yan chose to not speak after that and they left to go to the bus stop. As they were waiting for the bus, Anna turned to him looking conflicted. "Can I ask a favor?"