Premonition of My Death

The woman he spent what he considered his second life with was looking at him through her long eye lashes with a slightly frowning and embarassed expression.

At the bus stop, it was only Cheng Yan and Anna waiting. Slightly surprised with her question, he replied, "Sure, if I can do it."

"Um, it's not really much. But do you notice that Ryan was really persistent in asking me out?"

Of course Cheng Yan noticed and a hint of disgust showed on his face. Anna guessed what he was thinking so she continued, "Well, I thought I was clear enough in rejecting him but he was still not discouraged."

Cheng Yan nodded so Anna got to the point, "I was thinking, maybe he'll stop trying if he thinks I'm interested in someone else..."

Anna paused for a few seconds and Cheng Yan thought he stopped breathing with the anticipation.

"... I was thinking maybe we could show him that we're dating?" Anna finished.

"That would mean even in the office?"

"Yes. If you're okay with it."

"W-well, sure, if I can help."

Anna sighed. "Thanks. It's just for a few days. I think he'll stop by then."

Cheng Yan was still somewhat celebrating when their bus arrived. They got on and discussed what they should do once they got to the office.

Anna was thinking that it was enough if they looked like they had lunch together. Their officemates will just assume the rest.

"I guess we'll can say that we decided to eat together since the place where I usually eat was near your apartment." Anna paused. "In case Ryan got rude enough to ask."

Cheng Yan added, "And considering we'll still be having lunch together since you have to drag me to auntie's, then I think it'll work."

This made Anna laugh and Cheng Yan smiled wryly, reminded again of his dream.


Once they entered their floor, Anna initiated the farce and said, "Guys, we got some dessert."

The whole design department was present at that time and they all looked at them. Some were only interested in the dessert but Cheng Yan noticed Ryan squinting his eyes at them.

They entered the pantry and Cheng Yan put down the food on the table. Since Veronica was in charge of the pantry utensils, he tried to find her and suddenly, a shiver ran through him. It was a colder feeling than what he felt from Ryan's stare.

The feeling was gone the next second and Cheng Yan turned to find Veronica walking towards him. "Hey, could you tell me where can I get the--."

"Here." she said shoving a plate to him. "And if it's not enough, there's some in the third cabinet. I'll help with the plating." After saying that, she immediately started working.

Cheng Yan was slightly confused, still staring at her when he was bumped from behind. He then saw Ryan pass by him to get to the table.

"Well, it looks like Ryan will be deterred by this." Anna was saying while walking to him but he was still frowning at his two other officemates. She stared at him. "Why are you spaced-out?"

"No, nothing. Let's eat too. I missed auntie's mango pudding."

"Okay. I love her cooking too." Anna smiled.

They joined the others in getting food but Cheng Yan was still thinking. 'I didn't realize this farce will be more difficult. Maybe Veronica was also interested in Anna?'

While they all finished eating, Manager Barov just got back from a lunch meeting. It was already Friday and most of the Design department had a three-day overtime.

Manager Barov got everyone's attention. "We had a busy week this week and most of you even stayed many nights in the office to work. Since we're on track with the project schedule, you can all take the weekend off and resume on Monday." He smiled. "Thank you for all your work and we can expect a bonus once we're finished."

Everybody was relieved and happy, and the work that day seems to go by faster. It was already 6PM and most were getting ready to leave.

Anna approached Cheng Yan. "Hey, will you be going to the restaurant this weekend? We can just meet up there before lunch. Maybe at 10:30?"

A little startled, he was not used to getting asked out, "Sure. I forgot to ask, do you also live near the restaurant? It wouldn't be a hassle for you to come?"

"Yes, I live just a few blocks so I also eat there on off days," a smiling answer.

"I see."

"I'd have gone home with you now but I still have a few files to do," she whispered so his deskmate wouldn't hear. "And I wouldn't ask you to wait for me just for this act."

Cheng Yan was disappointed but he tried not to let it show on his face. "Then, I'll be going."

They suddenly heard a few banging of things and a swift figure left the office. Ryan, who was eavesdropping on Cheng Yan and Anna also started to prepare to leave.

Cheng Yan just frowned again at the door and also decided to leave once he said goodbye to Anna.