Can't I Just Sleep Peacefully?!

Once he got home and was getting ready for a shower, Cheng Yan received a call. It was from his mother in the province telling him that his sister together with his niece will come to the city and visit him.

"Your brother-in-law ran off with some of your niece's tuition money. Your sister will probably leave her in your care this weekend to look for that ingrate."

Cheng Yan sighed, "Okay, I'm off this weekend anyway and there are a few middle school kids here she can play with." He continued to look for some clothes in his closet with the phone between his ear and shoulder.

"Hmm.. Chances are, they will stay there for the whole week so you can join them once they come back here. You'll be attending your bestfriend's wedding, right?"

"Yes, mom," Cheng Yan was actually undecided since it will be a reminder that he's also getting older with no girlfriend yet. But he has no acceptable reason to give his mother now. "I'll also tell my boss so they won't give me overtime work."

"Is your boss overworking you? I heard there was someone who died of a heart attack while working. His colleagues actually thought he just drifted off to sleep! Can you believe that?!"

"Mom, I'm fine." Cheng Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "I'm also eating regularly."

"I'm just reminding you to take care of yourself. Good thing I have your sister to check up on you for now."


"Okay, I'll tell your sister that I already informed you once she got back. She still has to work extra now to compensate when she will be off next week." As if just remembering, she continued, "That brother-in-law of yours should be beaten up!"

"Okay, mom. I'll get off the phone now. I still have to catch some sleep with all the overtime I did this week."

"Mmmn.. Take care... Oh, and tell the Elteks I said 'Hi' and 'Thanks'. You should bring them back some delicacies from here when you go back. It was a long time ago since they last visited."

"Yes, I will. Bye, mom." Cheng Yan hang up to avoid making the conversation longer.

Cheng Yan has been living in the city for a few years and his sister left home to start a family. His father is still working so his mother didn't have anything to do now. That is the reason his mother keeps nagging Cheng Yan whenever she calls. Good thing they never got to talk about his love life again. But he had to be ready once he went home next weekend.

After taking a quick shower, Cheng Yan slept earlier that night since he has plans tomorrow. He was thinking he should go to the restaurant ahead of their scheduled meet up time so he can get ready.

He fell asleep easily and he dreamt... again...

Now, he can recognize that he was inside the castle in Neverwinter. The time was still the same as his other dreams with the war ongoing. He can see the blood red sky from a window and hear the strong winds blowing.

The dream was different this time. Cheng Yan was himself and not Roland. There was no one else in the hall with him and he can't tell if the events he remembered already took place.

Cheng Yan can hear fighting noises outside so he decided to take a look. When he hurried to get out the castle, he saw that the war with the demons was ongoing. Many already managed to get inside the city and were being shot at by his men.

If he remembered correctly, his subjects had already departed to go to Sleeping Island and only the soldiers and some witches were left.

His former self should be inside the castle discussing their strategies. That was when he saw a shadow ripple from the nearby wall. It was Nightingale joining the fight.

Based on his memories, he argued with Nightingale before she left to join their defense. She insisted on restraining the enemy while he got ready to leave for the island. She forcefully kissed him looking crestfallen but determined. While he was still shocked, she just entered her mist and left.

Cheng Yan was frightened. He remembered that Nightingale will be heavily wounded here which will hasten her death. He tried to run to warn her but he realized he can't control his body anymore. Feeling more terrified of what he knows will happen, he shouted to warn her but it looks like nobody can hear him.

With the way things were, he can't help but watch her fight. But, as he predicted, a demon hiding beside one of the houses managed to claw her back. Most of the demons joined in fighting her knowing that she's one of their strongest enemy.

Still unable to move, Cheng Yan was raged to see her like this again. Suddenly, there was an explosion and his vision became dark.