Another Coincidence?!

In the small room, a rustling sound can be heard and a pillow dropped on the floor. The rustling was followed by a harsh breathing of the person on the bed.

Gasping, Cheng Yan sat up in his bed after waking up from the dream. It was still dark outside and the digital clock in his bedside table was showing a glowing 5:00 AM.

He used his hands to roughly rub his face, full of cold sweat, to remove some vestiges of sleep. Also with a perspiring back and feeling dejected, Cheng Yan just sat in his bed thinking, for two consecutive nights now, that he wouldn't want to return to sleep.

He stayed immobile for who nows how many minutes with his hands still covering his face. Exhaling slowly to calm himself down, Cheng Yan looked around in his room to clear his mind.

Getting off his bed and deciding not to fall asleep again, Cheng Yan opened his laptop to play 'RtW' to level up as he hasn't played for a few days. He waited for a while for his laptop to start and he logged in to the game.

While thinking of where to go to level up, he noticed in his friends' list that Nightingale was also online. He smile wryly, 'Is this still a coincidence? She's usually not online at this time for her beauty sleep.' Opening the chat window, he decided to talk to her.

KingofNeverwinter: You're up early. Can't sleep?

Nightingale: ...

KingofNeverwinter: ...

Nightingale: No...

KingofNeverwinter: Okay...

Nightingale: ... *Sigh* Just thinking.

KingofNeverwinter: A problem? Care to share?

Nightingale: ... Not really. It's none of your business...

KingofNeverwinter: ... Okay. :(

Nightingale: Anyway, play a dungeon with me.

KingofNeverwinter: ... Sure. Where is it?

Nightingale: The Falls of Forever.

KingofNeverwinter: Um... where is that? I never heard of it.

Nightingale: It's a couples' dungeon. Let's just meet up and go together.

KingofNeverwinter: This game has a couples' dungeon?!

Nightingale: No, it doesn't. Why would I invite you otherwise?

KingofNeverwinter: ...

Nightingale: Let's meet at the dock in a few minutes and go together to the temple for the wedding first. Don't forget to bring gifts as bride-price.

Then, she closed the chat window. Cheng Yan was still a little stunned with the turn of events but he decided to proceed to the dock to meet with Nightingale.

He arrived at the dock first. While looking at his inventory for the bride-price, Nightingale arrived wearing her usual white but this time, there was a veil covering her face and a long fitted gown not suitable for her usual profession.

Cheng Yan stared at the character shown in his laptop screen for a while when Nightingale spoke, "What are you still doing just standing there? We still have to finish the ceremony then the dungeon today." And she walked on the way to the temple.

The ceremony occured with Cheng Yan still feeling dazed. The game features for the wedding were really detailed. There was a priest and some NPC guests and other players that stopped to watch when they were passing by.

It was a good thing for Cheng Yan that his other guild mates were offline or he will be jeered otherwise. 'But, thinking about it, I still have to change back my status after I was done playing with Nightingale and before the others noticed.' He sighed dejectedly.

The temple set up was also designed with some garlands and sparkling lights. During the ceremony, the priest brought out a ring and the guests cheered when the characters kissed.

His status changed when the wedding ended and a few pop ups explaining his new status showed up in his screen. Cheng Yan chose to ignore these since Nightingale was already walking away.

"Let's go to the Falls now."


They did a few couples' dungeons after that and Cheng Yan was really exhausted once they finished. He didn't know if it was the playing that was tiring or the turn of events this morning.

While he was stretching, he caught a glimpse of the clock and realized that it was already the time he was supposed to meet with Anna. He immediately interrupted Nightingale in her checking of the items they got.

KingofNeverwinter: Hey, I forgot I have plans today. I can't accompany you in the next dungeons.

Nightingale: ...

KingofNeverwinter: Come on. We already got what you want with all those entries.

Nightingale: Hmmp! No, I didn't.

KingofNeverwinter: Really? What else do you need? Can we just do it this afternoon, maybe?

Nightingale: ... Then go!

Nightingale closed her chat window after that short reply. Her character name became gray following that, indicating that she also logged off the game. Cheng Yan was perplexed but decided to ignore it for a while since he still had to take a bath before meeting up with Anna.

After he had a quick shower, Cheng Yan chose to wear whatever he first got from his closet or he'll be late. He got out of the apartment building when he was almost pounced on by Lightning.

"Down, girl. Not now. I have to meet someone."

He then heard a voice behind him. "You have a date?"