
This match is just as anticlimactic as the previous, this particular fighter lasting two blows instead of the single one the first had lasted. Once Sen is done, he sees that Xue's match is still going on and goes to spectate her. She's having trouble not because her opponent is skilled, but because her opponent is constantly flitting out of her range, seemingly using some sort of skill that lets her jump short distances.

She's like a fly buzzing around Xue that won't stay still long enough to be swatted. Eventually, she runs out of energy around the same time Xue is running out of patience, and her sword swats her as just like a bug swatter. She looks in disbelief at the blue line in her chest before turning to glowing blue sparkles, and Xue exits the arena at the same time, clearly not bothering to remain to showboat.

Sen exits as soon as he sees she's gone, not bothering to spectate anyone else, as all of the others on his friends list are finished with their fights. Once he's out, he's back to being the odd one out with Xue, Jennifer and Lynna chatting away, perfectly happy to talk about anything. While they're discussing, Julie shows up beside them. Her weapon has changed from just a sword to what looks like dozens of knives sequestered throughout her body, from a belt on her body and chest, to smaller holders on her wrists and upper arms.

"So what's up with the knives?"

Julie looks at him before replying. "They're carved with runes for an array. Throw them in the ground and instant array. I learned an array that makes an illusion of me and turns me nearly invisible, so I just use that, then hit them."

I shudder, that sounds absolutely horrific to go against. I don't even know how one would avoid that except using some sort of sense that isn't sight. I make a mental note to spectate her next fight to see if I can figure out what to do against similar fighters, and maybe her included if we end up in the same bracket in the tournament this weekend.

"So why haven't you shown up on my spectate menu yet?"

"The fighters have been so poor that I finish them with a thrown knife or three." She grins at that, and I feel bad for the poor people participating for the free healing salve.

After that, Julie joins in the conversation Lynna and Jennifer are having and Xue and I are once again pushed to the sides. We give each other a look of understanding, and we act as spectators until the next match.

When I appear in the arena, I see someone that actually has a shield for once. It may be advantageous to fight monsters with much higher strength than players without a shield, as it cuts down your weight for dodging, but a single handed sword is pretty useless in PVP unless you're extremely skilled. Expecting a good fight, I charge in with Earth Step, and do a sweep from the side enhanced by Weight of the mountain. My attack is from the side his sword is on, and rather than pivoting to use his shield, he assumes he can block it with just his sword, likely planning to bash me with his shield after parrying. Unfortunately for him, his single hand isn't strong enough to block my two with a large sword, and his sword is knocked out of the way as a long blue line appears in his shoulder.

At this point, the fight is utterly disappointing. He blocks a few blows, but can barely raise his sword, and he soon turns into blue motes of light. Luckily, Julie is still in a fight, and I got to spectate her. Upon entering the arena, the first thing I notice is that the knives are coming from a different direction than where Julie appears to be standing.

Sen thinks for a moment that it would be the best way to tell her location, except every knife that's sent flying comes from a slightly different place. Julie is clearly moving constantly to prevent just such a tactic. Her opponent has a few blue lines, and even has a knife sticking out of his arm, but is holding off the assault reasonably well. Eventually, Julie stops throwing her knifes, and her fake image closes in for close combat.

Her opponent simply ignores the fake's sword, but apparently Julie is striking from the same direction, and cuts deep into his chest. He looks immensely frustrated as he's knocked from the tournament.

Sen shudders, that just seems so annoying to fight against. He needs to find some way to deal with those illusory formations. Leaving the spectating arena, he meets up with the group, mentioning to Julie how ridiculous her fighting style is, getting a grin in return.

The next few matches are a bit harder, Sen's opponents lasting more than a couple blows, and one of them dancing around with a movement ability to come in quickly to strike and then retreat. Sen eventually gets a chop on him when he goes in for one of his strikes, and then he's in the quarterfinals.

His quarterfinal opponent is a giant of a man, who probably started with an E stat in strength. Sen hopes he hasn't gotten it any higher as he squares off and presses the ready button. The man, who is wielding a sword larger than Sen's, swings wildly, and while not too fast, Sen can see that the man has put his entire body weight into the swing.

He has probably gotten this far with just that single strike. With his mass behind the blow, he can blow through anyone's defense. Unfortunately for the man, Sen isn't one to defend if he doesn't have to. Earth Stepping backwards, he grinds to a halt just out or range, then lunges in with another Earth Step, thrusting his sword through the man in one clean strike.

The man tries to get off another strike, ignoring the sword in his chest, but Sen is close enough that the blade won't hit him, and catches the handle between the man's hands before he can get any momentum behind the bash with the pommel. Sen and the man both go to kick each other, but Sen is a bit faster, kicking the man away and ripping the sword from his body. The man is still glaring at Sen as he dissolves in the little light show that plays whenever something dies.