Searching For Dungeons

The group has Julie set up an array, and log off to satisfy the needs of their real body. Once they get back in game, they continue hunting for a while, only running into a single other C ranked monster before fast traveling back to Falan.

They split up at this point, Julie going to calculate the approximate location of a dungeon or two, and the others heading to their schools in order to practice their body enhancement skills. Sen loses himself in the flow of energy through his muscles as he works towards finishing the C ranked tier of it, and eventually logs off in order to have dinner with his family.

Once he's enjoyed his meal, he hops onto the Ares guild chat server, and finds them to be just as annoyed about not being able to find a dungeon as his group is. Apparently, Team Cloud is the only group that has found a C ranked dungeon in the vicinity of Falan, and Ares only knows this because of spies in their guild.

They haven't been able to get the location, as the information has been passed only in the upper ranks. If that's the case, it won't be a large scale fight, but rather a small one between Team Cloud's elite group and the group Sen is with. That thought makes Sen even more excited, as with even the guild players stuck at rank C, they may be able to beat them.

He then hops on the small chat server the group had set up, and sees that almost everyone is on, likely waiting impatiently for Julie to finish her calculations for the C ranked dungeon. They get into a discussion on whether they think anyone has gotten a stat to B rank, but decide that if someone did get there, it would be someone from a large guild, as they were boosted up to rank C.

They then agree that any guild players that did get to rank B would also announce it to show up the other guilds, so it is extremely unlikely that anyone has gotten there. After maybe an hour of changing topics, from gaming ones where Sen is much more vocal than in person, to topics only the girls bother participating in. Eventually Julie pops in the server with a short 'I did it!'.

Everyone posts celebratory emotes, and Julie posts a pic of the surrounding area of Falan, with three spots marked on it. On the bright side, there are a few dungeons, on the down side, they are all a good hour drive from Falan, around midway between multiple cities. There will be a lot of practicing their body enhancement skills in the automated vehicle.

They all want to log in, but it's about time for sleep, and so none of them bother, simply chatting a while more before doing their bedtime preparations and getting some rest. The next day is the weekend, but Sen gets up at the same time as normal, preparing himself for the day, even if he's just going to spend it in game.

Hopping into the capsule, he notices again his increased muscle tone. While he won't be mistaken for a bodybuilder, it reminds him a bit of his previous life, where his muscles had come from constant fighting and practicing with his sword. Everyone else in the group has put on quite a bit of muscle as well. Lynna lost her slight chubbiness, and all the girls have put on a bit of muscle as well, looking like gymnasts.

Once they're all in, they agree to rent a vehicle, as the dungeon is quite a distance off-road. While the automated vehicles are free, they can only go on roads. If they rent a specialized vehicle however, they still have the automated driving function and can also be manually driven to go off road.

Considering they've just been stockpiling their D ranked crystals since they capped out on them, they can easily afford it. They don't even have to go to the market district, as each school will rent them out for contribution points.

The girls split the contribution point cost between them, and Sen hands over a few crystals for his share. As the new vehicle they've rented comes out of the garage, they see it looks significantly different from the normal automated vehicles. While the normal automated vehicles are sleek, with curved lines and a high roof, this one is much more angular, a bunch of thick sheets of solid metal stuck together, with massive wheels that have thick ridges in them for gripping less solid ground.

The group admires the vehicle for a while, before hopping on it and setting off to what is hopefully the location of the closest C ranked dungeon. The driving on the road is peaceful, and it takes them an hour to get to the point where they'll be setting off road. At this time, everyone stops their practice with their body enhancement skills, and Lynna cheerfully takes control of the vehicle.

The ride is very rough as they weave in between trees that have to be a good five meters in diameter. Luckily, there's enough space in between the trees that they're able to use the car, and they soon arrive at the point marked on their map.