Making a Profit

They soon arrive at their car, which hasn't been bothered by monsters, as Julie had set up an array to make it not be noticed. They hop in, Lynna running forward to claim the driver's seat, and are soon heading back to the road.

Once they're there, Lynna lets the autopilot take over, and they all get back to practicing their body enhancement skills while they head to the next dungeon. When they arrive in the general area, once again Lynna takes the wheel, this time feeling much more comfortable driving off road, and drives in a way that everyone in the vehicle is tossed around like bouncy balls.

Once they arrive, they find the dungeon quite easily, as it's surrounded by a good twenty people from the King guild. Sen lets out a groan. While most members of King aren't very good, simply standing on the fact that they have numbers, these are likely to be their elite members from all of the surrounding cities.

After a short discussion back at the vehicle, they decide to have Sen hop out of game and sell the dungeon location to the Ares guild. Getting out of the capsule, he feels a bit tired, but not nearly tired enough to not explore the next dungeon.

Hopping on chat, he sends a short message to David, the sub-leader of Ares in Falan. He mentions that he's found a dungeon, and is willing to sell its location. He feels a bit guilty as they agree to give Sen's group ten percent of their crystals that they earn from it, and after logging in for a few short seconds, the group agrees to sell the location of the twisting tiger dungeon as well.

After making what is sure to be a profitable deal, he mentions that the King guild from the surrounding cities has sent their elite teams to control the one dungeon, but rather than being annoyed, the sub-leader is simply excited. In Ares, it's considered strange if you're not a PVP maniac.

Once he's back in, they all sit in the vehicle and chat rather than practice their body enhancement skills.

"So how'd you convince Ares to help take out King anyway?" Julie asks.

Sen snorts. "As if I'd have to convince them, they have the twisting tiger dungeon location, but are more excited to have some fun PVPing rather than grinding the dungeon to get their stats up."

Xue smiles a little. "I was a member Ares in my Last World Online, that sounds pretty normal for them."

"So why didn't you stick with Ares in this game then?"

Xue shrugs. "The team in Falan is a bit lackluster."

After a bit of thought, Sen looks at her. He'd worked with Ares in Last World Online, so he would probably recognize her by name. "What was your username? I was stuck using TheOldBlademaster, as my usual username was taken."

Xue looks at him and blushes, something he hasn't seen since when she first found out he is AncientSword. She shakes her head, refusing to tell him her username. Lynna is starting to get way too invested in this, and spends the next few minutes bugging Xue to tell her. Eventually Xue cracks, whispering into Lynna's ear, who bursts out laughing.

Sen tries to get her to share, but she refuses, just looking at Sen and Xue with a devious expression. She then proceeds to whisper into Jennifer's ear, who also giggles a bit, getting the same expression on her face.

Xue's blush deepens at that, and she won't look at Sen straight. Sen tries for a bit to learn what is going on, but he and Julie are left out of the loop. Julie likely because she never played Last World Online, and Sen because of some mysterious reason.

Eventually, the group from Ares arrives next to the vehicle, having gotten the coordinates from Sen, but look around in confusion until the group leaves the range of the illusion array. David comes up to Sen, shaking his hand. Behind him are seven other members from Ares, the elite group that they'd raised. Jennifer is glaring at one of the members from the Ares guild, likely the one who had knocked her out of the first tournament.

The groups don't mingle much, just Jennifer going to challenge the guy who'd knocked her out of the tournament as they head to the dungeon. Once they get close, they can hear the chatter from the King guild people, and they slow down their approach.

None of the members of the King guild are keeping a sharp watch out, but the Ares guild isn't one for sneak attacks, and so they proudly strut out to the members of the King guild. As they approach, weapons out, the King guild notices them, and start pulling out their own weapons. Sen wonders for a bit why they haven't set up any sort of illusion array, but considering how few people actually bother with arrays, it isn't too surprising.

It isn't until the two groups are facing off that someone from the King guild starts to speak.

"If it isn't the Ares guild, and some nobodies. This dungeon belongs to the King guild, you can use it if you want, just give us half your crystals when you get out." His flunkies laugh at that for some reason.

David is getting a cruel smile on his face as he doesn't bother replying to his provocation, simply charging in to do what Ares does best, PVP. Sen and his group join in. At this point in the game, shield walls aren't as useful, as one powerful skill can blow away and entire shield wall unless everyone in it has some sort of defensive skill. Sen is sure that would be a viable tactic, Give everyone the earth version of the body enhancement skills, get defensive skills, and form up a shield wall, but with ranged and more powerful abilities becoming more and more common, it won't remain viable at the highest tiers.