
Once the contract had been signed Danny took out the Strength Alamy and fed it to the snake. It was green in color with pitch black eyes. It ate the Strength Alamy and closed it eyes as it absorbed the power from the plant. Roughly two hours later the snake woke up from its slumber and started talking to Danny.

"Whats your name human?" the snake sent him a thought through the telepathy. "My name is Danny, have you been following me only to take my food?" Danny inquired to the snake. "How could me the Great Asmodeus degrade myself to follow a human for food. I will have you know if I am able to evolve enough I can turn into a dragon." Amsodeus said with a smug face. Well as smug of a face as a snake could have.

"Well then why were you following me?" Danny asked the smug snake. "Well...I...erm...why is it any of your business what the Great Asmodeus does! I will have you know I am a Heaven Soaring Ethereal snake, I your father am of a royal bloodline. I only accepted your deal because I felt that you needed my help and it is my job as a ruler of the land to help the peasants living in it." The snake said as he evaded the question.

"Ah yes, you are quite the majestic one." Danny said as the snake smiled smugly while puffing out its chest. "getting trapped in a net lured by dried meat. I bow down to you oh majestic one." Danny replied sarcastically. The snake immediately choked and turned to Danny saying "I will fight you to the death, you dare mock me? The great Asmodeus!".

The snake leaped at Danny and started biting him on his arm as he coiled around Danny's body. Danny grabbed the snake with two hands and started to strangle him. He was unable to pull the snake off his body, so he started punching it in the head. They were both attacking each other trying to get the better of their opponent. Seeing as they were not getting anywhere Danny came up with an idea and said "Let go of me you stupid snake or prepare to face my wrath! I will use my secret technique passed down from generations by master to disciple!"

Asmodeus sneered and just bit down on his arm harder saying "I'd like to see how you would be able to make me! A heaven Soaring Ethereal Snake yield to you!". Freeing his other arm from the snakes coils Danny said "Beware my Eye Poke of DOOM!!" he yelled as he poked his finger into the snakes eyeball. Asmodeus immediately let go and dropped to the floor and yelled at Danny "You cheating scum! How can you use such an underhanded means to win a life and death battle with me. You are lucky I am a Royal existence and will not stoop to such low means and fight with you."

Danny didn't know whether to laugh or cry due to the snakes shamelessness. Seeing as how they were no longer fighting Danny decided to mend up his wounds from the snake bites and eat some food before he went back to sleep. "You can sleep wherever snake, just don't take my spot in the tent and we will be waking up in the morning to hunt some fierce beasts. Do you have an opinion?"

"How could you treat a royal existence like me as your slave! I am the great Asmodeus and I take orders from no one, but seeing as how you want me to help you, I will begrudgingly protect you for the time being as long as I receive some rewards for it. You must give me Spirit Plants and some high quality food fit for a king!" Asmodeus told Danny in a detached tone pretending he did not care whether Danny accepted or not.

"Ah you drive a hard bargain Asmodeus, I sadly do not have food for kings here in my humble abode" Danny said with a sigh. "I guess I will have to lower myself to eat your peasant food then" Asmodeus stated like he was doing Danny a great favor.

"I also won't be able to give you all the spirit plants I require because I need to support my own lively hood, you wouldn't want to cause me to loose my money due to your selfishness would you?" Danny again said looking at the snake from the corner of his eye. "I will again compromise with you because I feel benevolent today and will only take some of your spirit herbs, the best ones that is!" Asmodeus replied in a self dignified tone.

"Well I guess we have a deal then, we will continue this until you evolve into a dragon as you said, or until we are both at the top of the world. How does that sound?" Danny offered to the snake. "I will accept your proposal, but only because I have nothing better to do, and not because it is in any way beneficial to me" Asmodeus replied shamelessly. "Then let us swear on the nine heavenly beings to keep this pact and if broken we will be struck down by their power" Danny said as he cut his wrist and began to enact the ceremony. Asmodeus too bit his tail and started the ceremony. They both swore to the nine heavenly beings as thunder clapped in the sky striking down before them to seal the pact. "I only did this to ease your conscience, I don't see the need for it" Asmodeus muttered.

Danny shook his head and said nothing else. He grabbed some meat and ate it before he went into the tent to get some more sleep. He did not need to worry about Asmodeus betraying him because they both swore to the nine heavenly beings. These were the nine strongest beings on the continent and were the first nine lifeforms changed due to the meteor. They are the oldest and strongest beings on the planet and are the only things stronger than World class beings known so far. These beings if they felt like it could wipe out all life on Earth. Due to this, no one would ever break a pact with the nine heavenly beings names used because they would be killed immediately by their power that covers the Earth.