Sword Rhinoceros (1)

Walking through the forest Danny has had to listen to Asmodeus follow behind him complaining all morning long. Finally having enough of it he turns around and yells, "I will eat your gall bladder if you don't shut up, and I will not give you any Spirit plants!". Asmodeus looked at him with a glint in his eye and said "I'd like to see if you breach our contract and try to steal my spirit plants! You fool you would never be able to take a royal existence's items" He said with a sneer.

"Well you better be quiet because we will never be able to find any fierce beasts with you hissing all over the place!! Wait... be quiet I can see a fierce beast just down the hill from us." Danny said as he crouched low trying to show as little of his body as possible. He used his eyes to scout the beast and saw it was a rhinoceros. His ability didn't allow him to zoom in with his eyesight like a telescope he felt it was more like he was able to remove all the obstacles floating in the air making it clearer to see. This would in turn allow him to see farther, It was a very confusing feeling for him. He stood back up because they have naturally bad eyesight and wouldn't be able to see him anyways.

"It looks like it is a sword Rhinoceros, they are a tough opponent for me right now, but if I kill it I can take it's sword horn and use it for a weapon because mine is damaged." He mumbled as he scouted out the enemy. "Why are we hunting these dogs anyways, it is beneath me to do such savage things like killing weak enemies. I think we should just look for more spirit plants, so I can evolve faster." Asmodeus said as he heard what Danny was saying.

Danny scoffed "I'd like to see you kill that Sword Rhinoceros if you could. You cant even win against a E rank beast let alone the Sword Rhinoceros that is D rank. You are only good at hiding with your ability, your combat power is surely lacking."

"I will have you know that once I The Great Asmodeus evolve I will be feared through the heavens. My ancestor is one of the great Heavenly beings The Ancestral Divine Dragon." The snake said in a proud tone.

"Well tell me that again once you are more powerful, yeah? Now lets kill this beast, so we can eat some good mean, besides eating other fierce beast meat is good for you as well it will help spur your evolution into being." Danny said as he began to move forward towards the Rhinoceros.

"You job is keep tripping the Rhino as I lure him about. His skin is really tough and we will need to tire him out before we are able to kill him. His weak spots would be his throat, eyes, and his family jewels." Danny told the snake through telepathy. This was actually really convenient because they needed to be quiet as to not alert the Rhino.

"How could a fierce beast be carrying jewels? I guess it is worth it to kill the beast if we are able to get some valuable ores from him. I hope he has some Cloud Beryl that would help me a lot". The clueless snake said. Danny was stunned at Asmodeus' cluelessness.

Ignoring Asmodeus Danny began to walk down the hill quietly so as to not alert the Rhino. When he was about two hundred meters away he started to circle around the Sword Rhino so he would stay downwind from it. This Rhino was much stronger than the ape before not only because it had a weapon, but because almost all of its body was defended with thick skin that was hard to pierce, not like the ape where only its hands were defended.

With Asmodeus in the trees following him Danny began to slowly progress towards the back of the Rhino waiting for the perfect chance to sneak attack it. When he was about ten meters away he stopped moving and began to wait. The Rhino was grazing in the grass lazily not paying any attention to its surroundings, because it was one of the strongest Rank beings in these mountains and almost nothing can hurt it.

Danny was wondering why A sword Rhinoceros would be eating grass instead of guarding its own spirit plant, or even walking around the mountain range flaunting its power. As he was studying the Rhino's habits he looked at the grass at became slack jawed. The rhino was eating Two Bladed Emerald Grass. 'What a waste that is!' Danny lamented. 'I need to kill it sooner, or it will eat more of the spirit plants. This spirit plant helped increase Agility, and there was a lot of them here, roughly twenty pieces.

There are twelve possible attributes that you can get from eating spirit plants. Listing them Worst to best it is Constitution, Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, Agility, Vitality, Intellect, Stamina, Charisma, Willpower, Alertness, and Luck. In Danny's book given from Henry it is listed with the definition as such.

12. Luck - luck

11. Alertness - spatial awareness

10. Willpower - Ability to withstand others abilities

9. Charisma - affability with others

8. Stamina - fighting duration

7. Intellect - ability to think fast,

6. Vitality - natural regeneration

5. Agility - speed, reaction speed

4. Wisdom - power of your abilities

3. Dexterity - maneuverability

2. Strength - Increases Physical Power

1. Constitution - defense of the body

These twelve are the Attribute Branch of the Spirit Plants. Luck is the rarest and constitution is the most common, so the Two Bladed Emerald Grass that the Rhino was eating was a very good plant indeed and Danny wanted to get as much of it as possible. So he decided to act right away to prevent more from being eaten.

Danny sprinted towards the Rhino as he signaled Asmodeus with his hand and they flashed towards the Rhino. The Rhino had its head facing the side of them and caught sight of them as they were on their way. The Rhino snorted and began to charge at Danny with its sword gleaming in the sunlight.