Sword Rhinoceros (2)

With its head tilted towards the floor the Rhino sped towards Danny hoping to pierce him for disturbing it while it was eating. Danny was shocked at the speed of the Rhino, and immediately knew he would be unable to outrun it. 'It's probably because of all those Two Bladed Emerald Grass it has eaten' He thought to himself.

Danny quickly twisted to the side to evade the charge of the Rhino and stabbed his sword towards the Rhino's throat. The Rhino deftly maneuvered its head to block his attack with its Sword horn and a loud CLANG pierced the woods when they clashed. At the same time Asmodeus slithered towards the Rhino and wrapped itself up around the Rhino's legs to slow it down.

The Rhino stomped its feet to shake of the snake as it was sword fighting with Danny. They were going back and forth, but Danny was loosing ground because the Rhino had more strength than him. What made it worse was that the Rhino was also faster than him as well. The Rhino was very good at using its horn to guard its weak points and had no room to be taken advantage of.

Realizing that he was getting nowhere Danny decided to back off. "Wrap around it's neck and try to choke it!" Danny yelled to Asmodeus. The snake agreed and slithered up the Rhino as it used its fangs as a grappling hook. It finally got up to its head and began to squeeze with all its might hoping to stop airflow, but sadly it was not working at all.

Danny was confused because this should have done something, but the Rhino just shrugged it off and didn't bother with the snake as it again began to charge towards Danny trying to impale him. Danny was shocked due to the unexpected turn of events and was slow in reacting causing him to be cut along the chest as he dodged out of the way.

"This is a D+ Rank beast it is about to evolve into a Titanium Sword Rhinoceros!!!" Danny yelled as he understood why the snake was unable to hurt it. The Rhino had a fierce gleam in its eyes as it saw the blood coming out of Danny. It snorted and sort of smirked as if ridiculing Danny for his incompetence.

Realizing that choking it wasn't working Asmodeus went towards the Sword Rhinoceros's face and tried to bite its eye. Its fang pierced the Rhino's eye causing it to roar in pain shaking the ground below it as it stomped in fury. The fierce beast was officially PISSED! It charged into a tree to squish Asmodeus in between it and the tree.

While it got squished Asmodeus hissed in pain and passed out because of the damage caused by it. When Danny saw this he let out a guttural roar as he jumped onto the back of the Rhino and stabbed towards the Rhino's head with all his might. He knew that they would not be able to win this fight if he didn't kill it with this attack.

Sadly the sword only made a three inch cut on the top of the Rhino's head causing it to be even angrier at the duo. The Rhino quickly tilted its head back to stab at Danny who was on its back causing him to pull his sword out to block. The impact caused him to fall off and land on the ground.

The Rhino quickly stepped back and stomped on Danny breaking a few of his ribs. Danny screamed in pain and quickly got up once the Rhino stepped off of him to turn around and face him. Danny stepped back and began to slowly walk backwards as his eyes never left the Rhino. He wanted to lead the Rhino away from Asmodeus, so he wont get hurt in collateral with the fight.

This went on for about thirty steps before the Rhino again charged at Danny with no different form of attack. Danny fake a dodge to the right before slipping by its left side causing the Rhino to slam into a tree, but the movement also caused pain to Danny's chest making him gasp in pain. He quickly turned towards the Rhino and went to stab towards the Rhino's throat again, but was inevitably blocked by the Rhino's horn.

'The Rhino was very good at maneuvering its horn as a sword and would be a good sparring partner if not for the fact that it may kill me today' Danny thought to himself. The Rhino this time didn't charge at Danny it instead began to slowly progress towards Danny preparing to fight him. Every step it made towards Danny made a resounding boom in his heart as he could feel death coming closer towards him.

He knew that he cant dodge this time because the Rhino will just follow up with him. So he held his sword and prepared himself for the Rhino's onslaught. The Rhino did a slash towards his and Danny parried and tried to cut its throat, but the Rhino was faster than him and again blocked him sword. The Rhino then swiftly slashed towards Danny and cut his arm causing it to be unusable for the time being.

The only bright side was that it was his offhand and he didn't use that hand for fighting. He prepared himself and again slashed towards the Rhino hoping to blind its other eye. It only had one eye left because of Asmodeus and Danny wanted to use that to his advantage. Thinking of an idea Danny quickly gathered the blood from his chest wound into his mouth and spit it towards the Rhinos eye hoping to blind it.

The blood covered the Rhino's eye causing it to loose its sight, but the Rhino was still able to attack Danny due to its excellent hearing. However, Danny was able to slash at the Rhino's throat a few times, because it could not accurately hear where the sword was like it could see it. Thus the fight progressed with a Blind Rhino and a Wounded Human.