Sword Rhinoceros (3)

Clashing sounds reverberated through the air as Danny fought with the Rhino. At first he was able to fight with out much of a disadvantage, but soon he slowly lost ground due to having lower endurance. In the battle of grit Danny was loosing, while the Rhino was still fighting strong even with its' multiple injuries and was clearly winning the fight with Danny.

Meanwhile, Asmodeus hissed in pain as his mind began to clear up. He lifted his head up to look at his body and was blood covering it. As a fierce beast had tough bones his spine had not yet broken, but it was not in good shape. His internal organs however, received very bad injuries and it would soon leave lasting damages if not treated. He slowly slithered towards Danny's bag and drank a health potion from it.

After five minutes the snake could now move fairly well and started to move towards the sounds of fighting in the distance. As he slithered over a hill he saw Danny covered in blood with a mangled arm fighting the Sword Rhinoceros with gasping breaths.

Asmodeus quietly slunk through the grass towards the back of the Rhino as quietly as possible. The sounds were loud and helped mask his movements. As if sensing the lurking danger the Rhino disengaged with Danny and stopped to listen to its' surroundings. Danny saw Asmodeus lurking towards it, so he began to try and pressure the Rhino to fight.

Danny re-engaged the Rhino and they again began their brawl, but the Rhino seemed more wary than before, and didn't act as aggressive. After several minutes of nothing happening the Rhino again attacked savagely foregoing its' wariness.

Once Asmodeus noticed the Rhino no longer paying him any attention he quickly pounced up to its' neck and sank its' fangs into the previous wound Danny made. He then flung his head around trying to tear off chunks of the Rhino's flesh.

Roaring in pain the Rhino whipped its' head back and forth shaking the snake along with it. The snake's body flew up towards its' face and the Rhino quickly bit down on its' tail. Due to the pain from its tail Asmodeus let go as the Rhino flung him from its mouth with a shake of his head. Danny at the same time, with a last ditch effort stabbed at the Rhinos throat.

The Rhino turned its head and charged in fury at Danny. Danny had used up all his stamina and had no strength to dodge as he was impaled on the Rhino's horn. The Rhino pierced him through the stomach with the tip of its horn sticking out of his back.

Danny's eyes opened wide due to the pain, but he couldn't scream because of the blood in his throat. He just lied there on the horn limply as he Rhino grunted and pulled its horn out of him. Falling to the floor Danny lied there watching the Rhino as it again prepared to impale him. He began to feel warm as his vision was darkening.'Maybe death isn't so bad after all' he thought to himself. 'Its' so comfortable, and I won't have to struggle anymore. I wish Henry was here too...' He continued to think as his breathing was slowly getting shallower.

His mind suddenly jolted as his thoughts grasped onto Henry 'WAIT....Henry doesn't want me to die! I can't die. Henry is waiting for me. I must not disappoint him'. He began to fight the comfortable feeling taking him from this world. He struggled to open his eyes, however he felt that his eyelids were the heaviest thing he has ever tried to lift. He slowly opened his eyes through much conflict and saw the Rhino there wobbling as it again was trying to charge him.

'I will not die, I will live!' Danny encourage himself. His mind felt cleared than ever before as he was at death's doorstep and he began to think of a way out. He activated his ability and try everything in his power to make it stronger like Henry said. Inside of his body he felt something crack, but it was not a bone. It felt as if a chain that was holding him was no longer there.

He could now control the air around him in a twenty meter circle with him at the center. He forced it to compress and caused all things to slow down in his space. It made it feel like running in water slowing everything down besides him. Looking at the Rhino charging at his he felt as if it slowed down by five percent. This may not seem like a lot, but it was enough for Danny.

Using all of the strength he had left Danny rolled to the side out of the Rhino's path and held up his sword so the Rhino would impale itself due to its momentum. The Rhino had to time to move out of the way and watched itself run through the sword piercing its own throat. With no more strength in his body Danny collapsed along with the Rhino. In exhaustion his vision blacked as he had a smile of relief on his face.