First Mission

Today is Danny's fist mission as a member of Cry of Nature, he is now twelve years old and has been training for two years. He has been assigned with the assassination of Sylvester Yale, a wanted criminal by the Department of Criminal Justice. Cry of Nature is a sub-division that works under the Department of Criminal Justice and takes orders for them, their hunting dog. The Department goes by a three strike and you are out rule. You have three chances to comply and go to Sector-K willingly, or you will be terminated.

Well Sylvester has refused to comply the first time, and escaped capture the last two times, so he is now on their hit list. He is now on the run and has been tracked down, which has led to Danny being the one sent out to eliminate him.

Danny was looking down at the file report he received on Sylvester and it read:

-Sylvester Yale-

-Caucasian Male, 35 years old, Approx. 6'2

-Sturdy features with black hair and stubble on his chin

- C-Rank ability Rock Metamorphosis (Sedimentary class, Breccia)


The door suddenly opened interrupting Danny from looking over the file and he looked up to see who it was. Radcliffe was seen walking in "How are you holding up? You get yourself ready yet?"

"Yeah, I think I can do this." Danny said as he forced a smile, this was after all his first ever mission, and his first time taking another persons life.

"Don't think to much over it." Radcliffe said "He was not a good person anyways, he was a murderer. He killed the mayor of Churango. Just think of it as saving his future victims by eliminating the problem" He said as he patted Danny on the back.

Churango was a major sea trading port on the west coast. The Merfolk own the ocean, but the World Government protect the waters surrounding the land by twelve miles. If any citizen of Gaia (which was once called north and south america) is attacked in these waters the World Government will investigate and eliminate the culprit if it is another species. If it is a pirate, then that is the Job of the Department of Criminal Justice.


-Greeny report to loading dock number four. It is time for takeoff.-


Danny was called over the loudspeaker, so he stood up and started walking out of the room. Greeny was his nickname as of now, all the new recruits are called that until they actually complete a mission where they will receive their permanent code name. Radcliffe turned around and started following him to the loading bay.

Danny sighed because if he failed to accomplish this, then he will be kicked from Cry of Nature and you can't very well go live as you were before because you now know government secrets. Danny think that the people who fail are killed, but he was told they become desk workers.

Seeing him sigh Radcliffe said "Cheep up! If you fail I will keep you as my assistant where you can be with me and make new weapons. Well I will be making them and you will test them." He said with a glint in his eye. No one but he knew what was going on in his mind.

Danny appreciated his attempt to make him feel better, but he was still not fully prepared for the mission, but he boarded the helicopter anyways.

He buckled up and look towards Radcliffe and saw he was waving him off "Don't worry about failing! I still have a spot for an assistant!" He cackled as he said. Danny rolled his eyes as he waved him off and saw him turn around and walk back towards his lab.

The helicopter took of and the Pilot said over the mic "we got 40 minutes until we get to our destination. The target is holding up in an abandoned school building. You are going to set up on the building across from him. You have two days to complete the mission before you get picked up."

Danny voiced his consent, but didn't talk anymore. He looked out the window and watched the scenery pass beneath him. Eventually the helicopter came to a stop and slowly landed in an airport. Danny grabbed his case and got off heading towards the abandoned school.

He hailed a taxi and told him the address of the building. It took him about fifteen minutes to get there, and he stepped of of the taxi as it drove away. He entered the building and began climbing the stairs to get to the roof.

On the roof he looked for a suitable spot to hold up. The school only had two exits as the back exit had collapsed, so the only exits were from the front and the side. The walls were about five meters high, so the target is not expected to jump over those. He got in a spot where he can see both exits at the same time and pulled out his sniper from his case.

This sniper was the Smithy TS and was made for him personally by Radcliffe. It had a built in thermal scope and was perfect for finding his target. Even though he can turn into a rock, and rocks don't give out heat, the heat is kept from when he had not activated ability. He can't leave his ability active forever because it exhausts you. The higher Rank you are the longer you can leave it active, or more times it can be used in succesion.

He looked through the scope and scanned the building for Sylvester. Looking over the building he finally saw him hiding in a corner building sleeping on the floor.

Danny lined up the shot for his head, but as his finger hovered over the trigger he realized he couldn't press it. Every time he prepared to shoot his finger would stop before he pressed it.

Looking through his scope he saw Sylvester rustle a bit before he got up from the floor and began heading out of the building. Sylvester was creeping along the school trying to be as quiet as he could, so as not to attract attention.

As he was exiting the school Danny knew this was his last chance, if he didn't fire now he would fail his mission, and Sylvester would escape. Fearing the consequences Danny pressed the trigger letting the bullet fly.

The bullet pierced his head before he could even activate his ability splattering blood everywhere on the floor as the body was flung backwards due to the impact.

Danny threw up a few times when he saw this scene and something inside of him broke. He finally calmed down and sat down on the roof watching the night sky. He was very calm now and since this point killing had never affected him anymore. He waited on the roof for the helicopter to come pick him up and didn't bother cleaning up the body because someone else would do that.

The helicopter picked him up and he looked out the window to the place where he first committed murder and sunk into his thoughts staring at the scene. His eyes never left the spot until it was out of sight.