How good it feels to be alive

Danny groaned as his entire body felt sore. His stomach especially felt as if it was on fire, his insides feeling as if knifes have been stabbed in them every time he moves they would slice at his body more. He suddenly felt some type of liquid being forced down his throat before he passed out again.

Danny faded in and out of consciousness as he was awoken due to pain, then passed out again because of it. He was in a delirious state and had no idea what was going on around him, but he only knew some one was nursing him back to health.


Danny opened his eyes groggily as his body was aching as if he just ran five miles carrying weights the whole time. He looked down at his body and saw a big scab on his stomach covering a massive wound. He felt the wound as he thought to himself "How good it feels to be alive!" he wanted to jump and cheer, but when he moved to sit up he yelped in pain. 'Painful, but good' he nodded as he calmed down.

He looked around and saw Asmodeus curled up in a tree sleeping not far away. He did not try and wake him up, but let him sleep as he collected his thoughts. As he was thinking he heard a rustling and instantly became alert. He knew he couldn't defend himself in this state, but he could at least warn Asmodeus if there is any trouble.

He saw bushes rustling and when they were pushed aside he saw Henry walking through them dragging the Sword Rhinoceros along with him. "Oh you are finally awake. It took you long enough. It's not like you almost died or anything" he said as he laughed.

Danny smiled as he saw Henry walking over towards him and instantly felt secure. "I thought you would not come into the Mountains with me?" Danny said. "Well your time is up! I said I would find you if you took too long and I came after ya because you did!" Henry said hiding the fact that he was following behind Henry the whole time making sure he was in no mortal danger.

Even when he was fighting the Rhino Henry made sure that he was not going to die, or he would have saved him in time.

Throwing the Rhino onto the floor near him Henry began harvesting the good parts of the Rhino. He took the horn out and skinned the Rhino making sure to take the durable skin that is able to sell good.

"Well you should rest again because we will be leaving here tomorrow" Henry said as he was going about his work. "We have to meet up with one of my buddies. We are going to try and stage an escape and get the hell out of here. What number are you anyways?" Henry said not looking up from his task.

The number referred to how many times you had been caught before, because the Department of Criminal Justice would kill you after you violated their rules three times.

"I am a one" Danny said still not fully catching up to their conversation startled by the fact that they will be escaping from Sector-K.

"Oh that's great. I still got one more shot before they will put me down, so I gotta make this one my best, last time I only got a mile outside of the dome. Those stupid ass Dogs of the Department caught me." Henry said with mild fury as he remembered the past.

"Alright well take another health potion, then rest up for tomorrow, I don't wanna be carrying you ass for the whole way" Henry said as he finished harvesting the Rhino and put all the useful parts into his bag.

Danny nodded and did as he was told, then closed his eyes, so he could rest.


Danny was walking as he clutched his chest due to pain. "You need a rest boy?" he heard from the front. He looked up and saw Henry there eyeing him quizzically.

Danny shook his head and took a deep breath as he pushed on and kept walking.

Roughly a day and a half later they finally exited the Mountain Range and entered the Inn. When they got to their room Danny instantly collapsed on the bed in exhaustion and fell asleep as his head hit the pillow.

"He has been working hard huh." Henry said as he saw what happened. He quietly closed the door and back out as he let Danny sleep not wanting to disturb him.

Henry walked down to the Diner and got a bottle of beer and sat down at a table in the corner to collect his thoughts. 'What is his ability...I don't understand I have never seen anything like it before' Henry mused to himself.

'He can manipulate air, or what seems to be air, and he has super eye sight' thinking of the possible abilities, but coming up with no answer started to make Henry's head hurt, so he decided to stop thinking about it.

'Anyways, this message from Earl is so sudden and unexpected. Normally he would be building up his forces more, but why did he suddenly contact me? Was there a change on the outside?' Henry thought as he was trying to figure out the answer.

'Well lets just ask him when we get there, This seems like it will be fun! Escaping Sector-K with the ruler of Tempest Dynasty' Henry thought as he chuckled to himself.