Emperor Earl

The next day they began their week long journey towards The Tempest Dynasty. It was an uneventful journey and they arrived at the capital without any mishaps.

"Why are we here?" Danny asked curious to the new change in environment.

He had only just evolved his ability and was still not that strong. He could only fight no even grounds with lower B-Rank ability users.

"We are here to meet my friend" Henry said leaving Danny guessing.

Danny knew that Henry was hiding something, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to get any more information from him, so he stopped asking.

The Capital city of Tempest Dynasty was bustling with people. The streets were filled with stalls of people bartering and trying shouting to attract customers to buy their goods. The scent of cooked meat filled there air and every now and then you could see guard patrols walking down the street.

It did not look like a prison at all. If you placed this next to any other city, you would not be able to tell the difference, well besides the fact that cities outside Sector-K had more advanced technology, as Sector-K was sort of medieval.

Danny relished this felling of harmony. He never felt this feeling back at the HQ of Cry of Nature. Everyone was always working, no one had time for fun. It was either training, or completing a mission.

Danny followed Henry as he led him past the stalls and into the inner city. They were not stopped by the guards, and the guards even saluted to them as they passed causing Danny to try and guess Henry's identity.

They walked until they arrived in front of a castle that had guards patrolling it constantly, and a few luxurious cars parked out front.

A butler came out to greet them and bowed saying "Good afternoon, Sir Low. His Majesty has been expecting you. Follow me if you will".

Danny was not as suprised as he should have been when he heard His Majesty because he could not guess another person who would live in such a big castle with nice cars like this.

They were led into the mansion by the butler and were made to sit down in a waiting room as the butler poured some tea for them. About two minutes later a tall burly man strode into the room with a smile on his face.

Henry got up when he saw this, and they walked towards each other as the Emperor Earl grabbed him into a bear hug. "I have missed you my good brother. How have you been?" He said laughing in joy.

"I have been well" he said "Good enough to even take and apprentice" he motioned towards Danny who was still sitting down.

"Oho? I never would have thought you would take an apprentice. Are you even going to live long enough to watch him surpass you?" The emperor said as he laughed.

"I will still live longer than you old man, you used to always hang it over my head that you were two years my elder and now you don't want to admit it?" They laughed together as they reminisced about the past.

When they were done greeting each other the emperor turned to Danny and said "So what is your name boy?".

"It is Danny, your majesty" he promptly replied with respect in his voice.

"Oh drop the title, just call me Uncle Earl" he said feigning anger. Danny nodded as he complied.

The Emperor turned to Henry and asked "So does he know why you are here?".

"I have not yet told him. I wanted him to figure it out when we learned about all the details. No point in having him guess the whole way here" Henry said in reply.

The emperor nodded "Well boy prepare yourself, because we will be breaking out of here! This will be a prison break from Sector-K" he said as determination filled his voice.

In the middle of their talking a loud *BOOM* echoed through the corridors as a hole was blasted into the walls of the castle killing tons of servants.

What the hell is that Danny thought looking into the sky seeing massive warships surrounding the Castle. Looking in horror Danny watch as the Airships aimed at them and began firing.

They didn't stand a chance at all! Henry used his Ice ability to block as much cannon fire as he could while Earl could do nothing as his ability only affected things on the ground.

Henry's ability no longer could hold up as his ice shield was broken and bombs flew into the building blasting them around the room. Danny watched in horror as the next bomb was coming straight towards him.

Once he was hit he felt no pain, just peace. He sat there in the void for what felt like an eternity before he heard talking. It was incomprehensible, but he heard in none the less. He saw a white light and desperately clawed his way towards it trying to reach the exit.

Once he reached it he realized he was in a white room with people in masks hovering over him.

"It Looks like Number-291 has woken up" A man said as he looked at Danny.

"He didn't survive very long did he" Another man said as he had scorn in his eyes. Danny had no idea what was happening, so he attempted to use his ability to escape, but felt nothing.

"Don't try anything kid. That was all fake. You are just a lab rat" He said looking down on Danny.

Horror grasped Danny as he realized that all he knew was a lie. Was there really a meteor that struck Earth? Was he really 16 years old? Did Henry never exist?

Is my name Danny?

Questions began to fill His mind as he felt darkness again beginning to capture him. Sadly he will never get those answers, as he will not wake up.