My Very Own Combat Beast

The others in the group went off to see the various combat beasts with Yao Cong acting as the guide; he had a basic knowledge of the combat beasts present.

Yao Gang lead Chu Fan over to his personal desk at the stables. This was where he cataloged the various combat beasts he had come across.

"Chu Fan, raising a combat beast is not easy. I'll give you a brief description of what a combat beast is first."

Yao Gang began to lecture Chu Fan on combat beasts.

Combat beasts were not to be compared to demons and mythical beasts; they were a different kind of creature. Each and every one had their own purpose. Some helped to attack foes, some defended the cultivator, and very rarely there were types that could magically heal their masters as well as amplify their powers.

Combat beasts were bred from philosopher stones. They were made by refining metals and magic ingredients in a special alchemic process. The philosopher stones were egg-shaped and varied in quality based on how smoothly the process of refinement went alongside the quality of ingredients used.

"So it's like that. Where can I purchase a philosopher stone royal brother-in-law?"

"Normally, a philosopher stone of common value would only cost you 100 silver coins."

Philosopher stones came in different varieties and varied in price, though the most expensive of them would only cost two to three thousand gold coins at the most.

"The random combat beast is born from every philosopher stone. The higher quality a philosopher stone is, the higher chance you have of getting a never before seen combat beast. Of course, if you don't feel like spending the silver coins, you can always purchase a combat beast that others may not want. But this path may take a bit longer as a new connection must be formed."

Chu Fan was dumbfounded, he didn't know that creating a combat beast was akin to gambling. The chances of him getting a rare combat beast on his first time would be rather slim. But he smiled upon remembering the tablet that he had. He could easily upgrade a common philosopher stone before using it.

"What will it be Chu Fan? Will you choose to make your very own combat beast or will you buy one? Should you choose to acquire a combat beast, you can choose one from my collection."

He took out a philosopher stone, it was a gunmetal colored egg. He motioned it to Chu Fan to see if he would accept.

"Thank you royal brother-in-law. I shall choose to make my very own combat beast. I cannot find it in my heart to take away any of the combat beasts you have created unbreakable bonds with."

Chu Fan bowed and accepted the philosopher stone with both hands.

Yao Gang smiled and nodded his head in approval.

"Well said! Now how about you drip some blood on that philosopher stone so we can see what combat beast it gives birth to."

Chu Fan shook his head and disagreed.

"Royal brother-in-law, I hope to wait until I get back to the sect and have had a chance to build a stable for my combat beast first. I hope you can understand my delaying the birthing of my combat beast at the moment."

Yao Gang understood Chu Fan's intentions in delaying the combat beasts birth. Having to care for the beast in it's infant state was a crucial and exhausting part of combat beast taming.

"Okay then, let's go meet up with the others then."

The two exited the building and joined the others as Yao Gang took over as the guide. He introduced his combat beasts and allowed them to pet the beasts. They laughed and had their fun throughout the evening.

When it was getting dark, they went back to the garden and had dinner there. Chu Fan would a majority of the night telling jokes and getting more acquainted with his future in-laws. They laughed throughout the night until it got late and the prince's escorted the Yi sisters back to their home.

Yi Gui would be home, brooding in his frustration of being left out.

The only ones left at the dinner table were Yao Lingyan and Chu Fan.

"My sweetness, do you remember that night, you kissed me?"

Yao Lingyan blushed and stayed quiet.

"I hope my breath wasn't stinky that day. I remember though, your lips tasted rather sweet that night. I yearn for the day that I might get another chance of tasting the lips of my sweetness again."

She pinched him by his chubby cheeks because of how glib he was being. She knew what he wanted, and began to pout as he was trying to be sly.

She closed her eyes and leaned in for a kiss.

"Aigh, but that will have to wait. We cannot act in such fashion until we are formally a couple. You deserve this much respect, being my woman."

She opened her eyes and blushed. Embarrassed by her advances, she turned beet red and hid her face. She felt her own head, she must have been sick.

"Hahaha, I really love tugging at your heart strings, my sweetness."

After a while she noticed Chu Fan had played another trick on her. And she began to sock him lightly as tears began to form on her.

Chu Fan sat next to her and hugged her.

"I really do want to wait though. I respect you too much to take advantage of you."

Yao Lingyan's head stayed down as she only nodded. She was frustrated at this moment. Despite her having a strong personality around others, Chu Fan could reduce her to nothing more than an innocent girl.

"Alright, it's getting late. Shall I walk you back to your residence Lingyan?"

She looked up at him with her big violet eyes and nodded.


"Then let's go."

He grabbed her by the left hand and started to lead the way.

Chu Fan would crack jokes along the way until they arrived.

After sending her off to sleep, he made his way back to his own bed.

The night had come to a close and the kingdom returned to it's peaceful and quiet state.


A week had gone by and nothing much had occurred.

Chu Fan had spent his days practicing his cultivation. He had advanced to the third level of his body refinement skill and achieved Copper Flesh.

After reaching the sixth level his flesh would turn silver, then gold at the ninth level. After this was all done, he would move onto the next stage of Body Refinement: Organ Reinforcement.

His lightness skills had also progressed as he entered the fourth level, the dwarf-bodied hummingbird. It was able to move at speeds that defied its small body frame. His body had began to feel lighter as his speed increased, making him understand that each and every level was meant to prepare him for the next level of progression.

He had done his fair share of studying on Frost Treants. He was confident in his ability to win his bet with Yi Gui now.

After finishing his training he bathed and got dressed. The eunuchs and maids had just brought him his breakfast when he heard footsteps and laughter enter his courtyard.

"Hahaha, this fatty is so afraid of coming out. He's holed himself in his residence for a week now. He should know better than to make a bet with me."

The one laughing the loudest was Yi Gui. He had come to see if Chu Fan was brave enough to follow through with their bet.

Wanting to impress his friends, he brought his entourage of four bodyguards along with him to make fun of Chu Fan.

"Who says that I am afraid? I am a man of my word."

The door to his room opened as a gust of wind and qi flew about, making the various bodyguards take a step back. They didn't expect the rumored "little fat dragon" to seem so fierce.

"Young master, this little fat dragon must have used tricks on you. Otherwise, how could he have beat you."

"Shut up! Don't talk about that! Chu Fan, are you ready to set out? If you have any last words, speak them now. I cannot promise that you'll return from this adventure."

He had purposefully chosen to make a dramatic appearance to show off his strength and instill fear in this annoying and cliche group of bodyguards.

Chu Fan had been fully prepared for this already; he shook his head.

"Let's go. I can hardly wait."

He held a grand smile on his face.

"Strange, he seems to be excited about encountering such fearsome monsters."

"He must have gone mad from the nights of fear-induced insomnia."

"The princess and your sect won't be there to save you from the Treants. Stop with the nonsense."

"It doesn't matter how confident you are about what you read in the books. Hmph! The real thing is different than that of a bookworm's observations."

Chu Fan only shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

"Alright men! Let's set out!"

Yi Gui pointed his finger forward.

"Yes, young master!"

And the group set off exiting the palace. Riding on three Cloud Striding Qilins; the group made their way to their destination: the Enchanted Sugarplum Forest.