Fatty Snatches Some Plums

They arrived at the entrance to the Enchanted Sugarplum Forest just as the sun had began to set. They agreed to set up camp and set out early the next morning.

They pitched a grand tent and went to bed without speaking.

When morning came, they were awoken by the chirping of birds and sunlight.

They quickly got up and packed everything in a swift manner.

"Ha, what a great camping experience. Thank you for this opportunity Yi Gui."

Chu Fan was happy that he had the chance to camp in the freezing cold, this was one of his many wishes from his past life.

Yi Gui only nodded silently; to him this was nothing more than a common occurrence.

"Alright men, let's head out."

They put everything back into their storage rings and headed into the enchanted forest.

Along the way, they would encounter various creatures that lived in this cold and enchanted forest. Chu Fan would constantly pester them about these beasts that he had never seen before.

"Ooh! What's that? A Frozen Newt? What's this plant? Why does it smell so sweet?"

The group would answer his questions, but they grew increasingly annoyed by this inexperienced child who seemed to have lived a sheltered lifestyle until this point in time. They were not wrong about this, Chu Fan had yet to experience and see many things in this world.

"Ah, sorry. You see, I had been in a coma for four years prior to coming here. Please excuse my naivety and curious nature."

He noticed the irritation he was creating and quickly went back to remaining quiet.

"So you went into a coma? How?"

"Wait, so your saying that the rumors are true?"

"This kid is the rumored head chef of Skyward Sword Sect? The one that fought off two assassins from the Lunar Fox Gang when he was only eight?"

Chu Fan silently nodded as he scratched his head in embarrassment. He liked the praise and attention, but he never considered himself to be a hero yet.

"Wow! To be in the presence of such a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. I am honored to meet such a heroic youth."

The guards all bowed towards Chu Fan. Yi Gui's pupils dilated as he finally understood who it was that he was competing with. Though he was gifted, he was just an above-average individual when it came to matters of cultivation.

He knew that one day, the princess would find some other better than him. And that he could do nothing but watch as her back faded from his grasp; but he didn't expect her to be able to find a person worthy of standing beside her at such a young age.

He was frustrated by this fact and tried competing with Chu Fan over this matter.

What he didn't know is that Chu Fan had always been surrounded by geniuses. His fast growth in cultivation was seen by himself to have been normal. He didn't know that he was outshining the others his age and level of cultivation.

"Chu Fan, it seems I may have been wrong about you. I have no real qualms with you. But should you ever hurt the princess, I'll never let you sleep in peace for the rest of your life. The bet's off. We shall return to the palace. I can't have the princess up all night worrying about you."

Yi Gui started heading towards the entrance of the forest.

"Wait. We're already here. I really need those plums anyways. The princess can wait another day; she knows I'll come back."

"Huh? You really want to go through with this?"

Chu Fan nodded with excitement.

"I really want to see how fierce these Frost Treants are. If you would please lead the way."

The group continued on their way until they exited the forest trees and entered a large orchard.

The orchard itself was a large area, but it had a sparse amount of trees. It was strange because the trees themselves were not uniform in how their leaves grew; some had no leaves, some were just blossoming, some had green leaves alongside some ripe plums, and some had leaves ready to fall off.


The guards motioned to silence Chu Fan as they knew he was sure to say something.

Far off in the distance the ground started to shake and rumbling noises could be heard.

The trees began to shake and one of them emerged from the ground. These were the Frost Treants.

A fully grown treant was about three times the average height of the common man. The thickness of each tree varied based on how much sunlight, the tree received in it's younger sapling state.

The tree that stood up was white in color and was the thickest in the orchard.

"Damn, the treants are waking up. Quickly, don your camouflage garbs. Chu Fan here's the extr-..."

Yi Gui looked over at where Chu Fan had been earlier. He was shocked to see that no one was there, Chu Fan had already made his move.

"Fuck, that idiot."

"That fatty is thinking of snatching plums?"

Farther off in the distance, a shadow like figure was moving through the trees. This was Chu Fan, he was currently running while collecting any fruits he saw.

The treants began to wake up one by one, emerging from the soil like giant sprouts.

Chu Fan made his way into the heart of the orchard where the first treant to awaken stood. This treant had the most Frost Plums on it's head. It was also a different color compared to the others, signifying that it was a mutated and uncommon Frost Treant.

"That's got to be the head honcho of these treants. It's fruits have to be the best out of all the fruits present. Only the best of ingredients shall be made into wine for Hallmaster Chen Si."

Frost Plums grew on the heads of these Frost Treants. After absorbing the qi from the environment, the Frost Treant would bear fruits, full of qi. These fruits would mainly be used for alchemy to create elixirs, but Chu fan had other ideas.

"Hahaha! Whoooo!"

He was too happy, his mind was currently full of the things he could create with this magic ingredients. He was running around and under these treants.

The various treants would reach down and swipe at nothing but air; Chu Fan was too fast for them.

A treant relied mainly on its sight and hearing to find perpetrators of it's domain. Thy had long ago noticed the fat child running around as if he had just entered a candy shop.

Chu Fan blurred in and out of sight, making his way to the tallest and biggest of the treants.

"Here I come! Heaven Cleaver! Let's do this!"

He summoned the Heaven Cleaver and willed it to transform into an axe.

In the past week, he had been fortifying his body enough to be able to utilize the Heaven Cleaver now without hurting himself.

He ran between the legs of the white treant and chopped away at it's right ankle, severing it as if it was sculpted out of butter. He immediately ran off again as the Treant knelt down to maintain it's balance.


The treant yelled in pain and swiped at the many after images of Chu Fan. The other treants turned in its general direction to see what was happening. They would close in on the area also, creating a barrier to protect their leader.

*Chop* *Chop* *Chop*

Chu Fan had began chopping down the surrounding treants also as they swiped at him.

The ground began to be littered with the arms and legs of the treants.

"Hahaha! No fair. This is supposed to be one on one. I don't need to destroy you all. I just want your plums."

He had created a gap in the defensive barrier, making a path for him to, yet again, attack the white treant. The white treant itself was still kneeling down as it clutched its leg that was severed.

Chu Fan leapt into the air and propelled himself with a burst of wind using the Heaven Guiding Palm technique.

In the air he began to shift in an out of view as he flew about. He landed on top of the white treant's head. Just as the Frost Plums were within grasp, the white treant tried to grab him. But he jumped as the slow moving arm landed.

Annoyed, he wielded his axe once again. He began to rapidly spin while in midair, gaining momentum.

He came down like a meteor landing on the white treants head with a loud crash. His axe chopped down with a mighty swing, sending leaves into the air.

The treant roared as it fell backwards; it had been knocked out by the impact. The other treants could only back away in fear of what just happened.

Amongst the storm of leaves flying about, stood a fat child. He was currently holding onto a large branch, full of plums.

He swiftly put the plums away in his tablet storage and escaped as the treants were too busy at the moment with their unconscious leader.

From afar, a party of five people watched in horror as Chu Fan wrought havoc to these treants. They were stunned that he had the gall to laugh while cutting these treants down a size, literally.

The last time they had come to retrieve frost plums for the princess, one of them almost lost their life to the white treant that Chu Fan had just bested.

"This little fat dragon is a maniac."

"Right? He knows no fear."

"What a fearsome child?!"

"No wonder he was able to win over the princess."

Yi Gui stood silently at the side. He was could only agree as he could never dream of achieving what Chu Fan had just done.


He shook his head, he would have to give up on his childhood love and move on.


"What are you crying about? You ended the bet. I'm not so petty as to force you into holding your portion of the deal that we shook on."

"You- Forget it. Have you had your fun? Did you get all that you needed?"

Chu Fan nodded his head with a great big smile on his face.

"Yup! Let's get out of here. I think the treants are starting to notice us."

Yi Gui almost coughed up a mouthful of blood when her heard, "us".

"Hah! 'Us'? You mean you. Those treants are after you. Why did you choose to attack their leader?"

Chu Fan looked over at the approaching treants and his eyes widened as he saw that they were sprinting at the moment, and they were headed in their direction.

"No time to talk. If you have energy to talk, then run for your lives."

He pointed over his shoulder and bolted away before the rest of the guys could get a running start.

Yi Gui was stunned silly when he saw an army of treants closing in on their location.

"You heard that fatty, run!"

These treants were out for blood. They howled as they ran at full speed. Chu Fan had offended them, he had ambushed their leader and snatched his precious plums from his tree. It was an act akin to kicking a defenseless man in the groin.

Chu Fan and company had zoomed past any and all obstacles and exited the forest faster than ever, and got on their mounts before any treant was within sight.


The treants stampeded their way past the orchards and into the forest seeking the trespassers. To their dismay, they couldn't find any person. After an hour of searching they retreated to mourn for the loss of their plums that they poured their built up qi into.

By this time, the group of bodyguards and two children were already long gone and heading back to the Kingdom of Glacier Falls.

Chu Fan rubbed his hands together as he was currently ecstatic.

"Guys, let's go eat out! It'll be my treat."