Looking at the Bigger Picture

The elders were astonished by the selfless actions of Chu Fan. In their eyes, Chu Fan had toiled many years to perfect his cooking skills to help further the sect's prestige. They had high respects for the child in front of them at the moment.

"At the current moment, the Skyward Sword Sect is slowly deteriorating and fallen from grace as a prestigious sect. We have had little luck in finding disciples with potential in the past generations." said Su Chow as he shook his head.

Vault Keeper Wang remembered something as he heard "potential". His eyes flashed as he looked at Chu Fan. In the elders investigation of Chu Fan, they had found that he had a rare affinity for the elements called, Inverse Elemental Affinity. Seeing as he was of common disposition, many of them had altogether forgotten about this matter. But now that Chu Fan was in fact a genius worthy of he necessary expenditure, Vault Keeper Wang quietly pulled Su Chow to the side and the to talked.

At the moment, Chu Fan was receiving praise from the various elders and talking about what dishes he could serve to the other elders who had yet to try his Gourmet Elixirs.

"Elders, I must warn you, my gourmet elixirs help in purging the body of impurities and helps with digestion. The effects take place almost immediately after the meal is over. I must give you a proper warning so you can make the necessary preparations."

"Oh, of course we understand the effects very well. Our living quarters are in the nearby vicinity, we also had to endure the storm of the prior night." said a female elder as she looked at her younger looking peers.

The younger looking elders all blushed as they glared at Chu Fan, still angry that they had no warnings prior to consuming his cooking. As they gazed at Chu Fan, a talisman flew past the group. This talisman was sent by Su Chow to summon the various hallmasters and current sect chief. Some odd minutes later, they all made their appearances and knelt.

"Greetings elders!" they all said in sync.

Hallmaster Chen Si looked up to see Chu Fan waving at him and he could only sigh.

"I am sorry elders. I have taught my disciple poorly and am willing to accept any form of punishment on his behalf."

Su Chow raised his hand to stop Chen Si.

"Ah, this is not the reason why we have summoned you all here today. Regarding Chu Fan, we have brought him here over matters of his Gourmet Elixirs and how they can benefit the sect. While doing so, it had also come to my attention that he has an Inverse Elemental Affinity."

Hun Xiao, upon hearing this, looked up at Su Chow.

"Father-in-law, you don't mean to."

Su Chow nodded.

"Yes, seeing as Chu Fan is indeed a genius. I have thought it over with Vault Keeper Wang and we have come to an agreement. We shall both bring Chu Fan into the Chrono-Realm for the next month."

The other elders were baffled. Vault Keeper Wang and Su Chow wanted to personally have a part in Chu Fan's

"B-but... the Chrono-Realm? The amount of blood moon shards needed the formation alone is....And for a month?...Are sure about this child?" asked one of the elders.

Vault Keeper Wang nodded.

"Yes, this child may be the sect's best hopes of regaining our honor as one of the top sects. Chu Fan, what do you say? We will not push the matter if you do not wish to go?"

Chu Fan was in awe and at a loss for words.

"I finally have a chance to enter a temporary space, and at such a young age. Is time disproportionate there? Will I come out a middle-aged man when only a matter of minutes has passed?" his mind was currently plagued with a plethora of possible outcomes. Hearing the question, he shook his head and looked up at Vault Keeper Wang with glimmering eyes.

"Yes! A thousand times, yes! But can we wait a week? I have to prepare some things."

Vault Keeper Wang was confused.

"What do you need to prepare? In the Chrono-Realm, you will have everything you need."

Chu Fan put his finger up.

"What about my Gourmet Elixirs? I need my ingredients for that?"

Su Chow patted him on the shoulders.

"What part of 'everything you need' did you not get? Although, some spare clothing might do you good."

Chu Fan smiled and leapt for joy.

"Ho-yeah! I'll be back as soon as I can." he said as he raced back to his cafeteria room.

The elders then approached Hallmaster Chen Si and began questioning him about Chu Fan. They had heard rumors of Forrest Peak's disciples making great progress and offered words of praise.

As Chu Fan arrived at the Cafeteria, the Lunch crowd had formed and Chu Fan was received with many greetings. Many of the disciples present had heard of his Gourmet Elixirs, whether they were there or heard of it through word of mouth, they wanted to try it for themselves. His disclaimer scared off many disciples, but there were still some who were fearless towards, what they assumed to be, a small case of body detoxification.

He walked to the front of the crowd, where a puppet was currently taking down the reservation of a disciple.

"Stop, take no more orders at the moment."

Seeing his face the puppet complied and closed the book in its hands. This angered the disciples who had waited in line all day to reserve a spot.

"What is all this? You are the one offering these services. Why do you suddenly take it all away?" asked the many frustrated disciples.

Amidst the chaos, Da Bao and the others appeared as well. The commotion had brought on many onlookers who were not at the cafeteria to begin with.

"Chu Fan what's happening? Why are all these disciples mad?" asked Da Bao.

"Ah, the gourmet elixirs right?" said Tian Han as he winked at Chu Fan.

Chu Fan infused his palms with a bit of qi and clapped. He blew a gust of wind over the disciples, silencing them all and getting their attention.

"Everybody, let me explain. Something has come up and I will be gone for a month. I have not stopped taking orders for the gourmet elixirs; it is merely going to be delayed. Those who have already submitted their payment will be served after I come back. In the meantime I hope that all of you can forgive me for making a sudden disappearance."

Chu Fan dashed into the kitchen and entered his room. He began packing spare clothes, spices, herbs, and snacks.

"Dammit a month? I can't wait that long."

"He better stay true to his words."

"Maybe all this talk of Gourmet Elixirs was just a hoax?"

"It has to be. He's most definitely waiting for the buzz to die down and for people to forget all about it. Then he'll resurface again and act like it never happened at all."

"What a coward!"

The disciples gossiped as they stormed out of the cafeteria, disappointed by Chu Fan's actions. The only people still present were Yao Lingyan and the three others. Chu Fan had just finished packing and entered the dining area looking for Nian Gao and Chun Juan. He whistled a familiar tune that summoned the both of them posthaste.

While rubbing their heads he said, "I'm putting you two in charge of keeping this place in order alright. While I'm gone, you two are to protect the Cafeteria from any troublemakers."

Nian Gao nodded with a whine while Chun Juan saluted with a deep resolve in its eyes. Chu fan smiled and nodded his head happily. He then got up and turned around to face his friends.

He put his arms around his two sworn brothers and rushed them off to a corner. He asked of them a certain favor while he was gone. These two were to gain as much information about a certain person as they could.

His two sworn brothers agreed to his request and made off hastily only waving their to say farewell to Yao Lingyan and Hun Lian. They were in a rush as they knew Chu Fan's reward for their help would be well worth all their hard work and investigation.

Now all that was left for Chu Fan were a few parting words he had for his two girls. He first approached Hun Lian and pat her head.

"I'll only be gone a month with your grandfather. Don't slack on your cultivation and go to bed early, alright? The puppets all know what you like, so just put in the order and you'll be fed."

Hun Lian listened obediently and only nodded. She wanted to speak, but could not find the words to express how much she would miss him. As he spoke her eyes turned pink and tears began to flow down her cheeks. She hugged him tightly and would not let go.

"Heh, what are you doing? It's only a month." he said with a smile.

"But I'll be so bored." said Hun Lian with a sniffle.

Chu Fan stroke her head.

"Silly girl, there's Nian Gao and the others to keep you company. Be good now alright?"

He turned around and swiftly exited the building. Too excited about the adventure he was about to embark upon, he zoomed past any and all obstacles before he stood in front of the Hall of Elders.

This time he felt no fear about entering, in fact he was willing to enter on his own accord. And whomever would deny him of this satisfaction would feel his wrath; or at least witness his grovelling and relentless whining.

He pushed the giant doors open and inside were the elders standing on the center platform he stood on. There, Vault Keeper Wang and Su Chow waved their hands urging him to come stand beside them.

"Are you ready boy? There is no backing out at this point." asked Vault Keeper Wang.

Chu Fan shook his head.

"I wouldn't pass up this opportunity in any lifetime." Chu Fan proudly declared.

"Hahaha! Great! Elders, open the rift."

The elders all performed their incantations and soon the seals drawn on the floor began to shine and hum. A column of light slowly emerged from the ground and stood 3 meters tall. The light itself felt warm and inviting.

Chu Fan was at a loss of words. Like a moth to a candlelight, he had forgotten his surroundings until he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Chu Fan, we'll head in first. Be quick before the rift closes." said Vault Keeper Wang.

And the two elders leapt into the pillar of light, disappearing without a trace.

Chu Fan took a deep breath and took three steps back.

"Here goes nothing!"

He darted foward and jumped into the light and into the Quantum Realm.