The Quantum Realm

Opening his eyes, Chu Fan was stunned by the change of scenery, just a split second ago he had just been in a poorly lit room; and now he was bathed in a warm light and a gentle breeze. He landed two meters away from the door. As he turned back to look where he entered from, he noticed nothing stood there but a patch of lively grass swaying to and fro as the wind directed it.

With a smile on his face, Chu Fan started looking at his new surroundings. The skies were clear, not a cloud in sight; the sun was shining in full force, yet a comforting breeze rolled in every now and then. He stood on a grassy plain surrounded by forest woods in the distance. Off in the distance, stood two figures: Vault Keeper Wang and Su Chow. They were awaiting Chu Fan in front of the forest entrance. As Chu Fan began walking towards the two men, a great shadow befell upon him. Curiously he looked up and was amazed by what he saw: a pair of giant Cranes, each with a 12 meter wingspan.

It unleashed a great gust of wind as it flapped its wings, forcing Chu Fan to take some steps back as he stabilized his footing. Realizing just how little he was in this realm, he dashed towards Su Chow and Vault Keeper Wang without hesitation. Seeing this, they both laughed as Chu Fan usually acted fearless.

"Hahaha, I guess this fatty actually knows when to fear for his own life."

"Well said Old Wang. Even the most courageous of men know when to tuck their tails between their legs."

Chu Fan arrived bowed to the two elders.

"Elder Wang, Grandfather, what was that magnificent creature that just flew past us?"

Su Chow's eyebrows twitched at the word "Grandfather" spoken by Chu Fan. But he grit his teeth and merely brushed it off, calmly he answered.

"Chu Fan, that was a pair of Blood-Stained Cranes. They are prized for their Blood Tears that can heal most mortal wounds."

Elder Wang chimed in with his two cents of knowledge.

"Yes, in the quantum realm a vast variety of creatures and medicinal herbs come and go as this realm occasionally opens time rifts. If you are lucky, something rare may appear and give you the opportunity to gather precious ingredients."

Chu Fan's eyes lit up as he looked forward to seeing what creatures could appear before him at any given moment.

Su Chow and Elder Wang then escorted Chu Fan to the sect's designated hideaway in the Quantum Realm.

They arrived at a waterfall and entered a cave masked by a curtain of water. The cave itself was very roomy.

Elder Wang took delight in showing Chu Fan around.

"This cave has everything you would ever need Chu Fan. A human could practically spend there entire life here and never have to leave the confines of this cave. We have a lifetime supply of fasting pills, books, a central heating and cooling array, rock beds made from the highest quality rock monsters, and some of the sect's best wines stashed away here."

Chu Fan smiled and shook his head. He went around the cave, examing the various rooms. Elder Wang was right, an ordinary human could practically live out their entire life here without having to step foot out of the cave itself.

Su Chow and Elder Wang made their ways to the library where they chatted away as Chu Fan finished looking around.

He found the two elders laughing about old matters as he approached them.

"Haha! Right, right! Senior Brother Zhou did get possessed by a spirit once. Remember it made him strip in front of Junior Sister Fei. He was so embarassed he went into secluded cultivation for nearly a deca-"

"Ahem! Chu Fan, how do you like this place? Do you find it comfortable?"

Chu Fan nodded ecstatically.

"Yes, yes it is indeed. There are a lot of things here."

There was an awkward silence after Chu Fan's reply. He had a hesitant look on his face.

Su Chow was quick to pick up on what Chu Fan had on his mind.

"Chu Fan, seeing as you'll be spending some time here. It is necessary that you get familiar with the surrounding terrain. Go and see what there is around here. Don't go too far off though."

Elder Wang got up from his seat and placed a talisman on Chu Fan's back.

"This is so we can find you if you go missing. Be back before it gets too dark."

Chu Fan bowed to the two men.

"Thank you elders. I shall be on my way then."

He exited the cave and went on his merry way, skipping as he headed in the south-west direction.

Su Chow had a thought come across his mind.

"Old Wang, you don't think he'll encounter those two, right?"

Elder Wang's eyes lit up, then he shook his head.

"Bah, surely not. And even if he did, he's a smart enough kid to not get too close. Right?"

The two nervously chuckled as they hoped Chu Fan would be wise enough to steer clear of any danger.

Under the shade of the trees, Chu Fan walked. at the moment he was picking fruits and various plants he saw being eaten by beasts. He snacked on the various berries and thought of new dishes as he walked.

He paused in his steps as he no longer heard any birds chirping or small creatures rustling about.



Chu Fan dropped the load of berries in his handsas he heard these two distinct cries.

Such loud screams were followed by a thunderous boom. It was a fight between beasts.

Chu Fan was shaken at first but his curiosity drew him toward the noise. He made his way until he saw a deforested area that showed signs of a grand battle.

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"Caw!"the 3rd 4 and the

A flying beast swooped down, kicking up a gust of wind.

Knowing he was certainly close, Chu Fan chose to be a spectator. he found himself a bush that was able to hid his frame and allow him to view everything.

Looking at the beasts closer, it seemed to be a fight between a dog-like figure and a bird-like creature. The two beasts looked very exhausted. But both parties looked to be the stubborn and prideful type, each was unwilling to yield to the other.


The dog-like figure jumped up and clawed at the bird-like creature.


It dodged and countered with a dive and a peck.

Chu Fan was fully immersed in the fight. In fact, he had a bad habbit of snacking while watching things. He had started snacking on the berries as he watched the match.


Chu Fan had unknowingly spit out the seeds in his mouth.

Hearing this the two clashing beasts turned their attention towards Chu Fan's bush.

Chu Fan began to sweat as he noticed what had just happened.



But to his shock the two beasts chose to end their match there and leapt away in opposite directions.

Chu Fan finally hopped out of the bushes, he was filled with excitment.

"That was awesome. I have to see that again."

Chu Fan looked at the skies and noticed that it was nearly dark now. And so he headed back to the cave hideout.

The two anxious elders greeted him as he entered.

"Did you find anything interesting today Chu Fan?"

Chu Fan nodded his head.

"I did, I discovered many fruits and berries. I have many dishes I want to try cooking now. And I encountered some very interesting beasts."

Lost in his excitement, he described the various beasts he saw and the elders tried to identify the various beasts described. Time passed by rather quickly as it was almost midnight when they finished.

"Elders, I shall excuse myself now. I will take a bath and rest now."

After finishing his bath, he cultivated for a short while before going to sleep.

While asleep he hung onto the hope that he might encounter the clashing beasts again.