Which expert doesn't bury a few treasures with them when they die ? The Expert of the Beast Clan.

The Kilian Kingdom, one of the eight most powerful kingdom of the Wingless Continent, The Beast Clan is an unaffiliated clan, which is residing within the Killian kingdom territory, but it's a hidden clan which only loan the land, around the snow mountain range of the Killian kingdom.

The Beast Clan is one of the most feared clans in the world. a clan which can break the balance between the kingdom.

The most secure place of the Beast Clan is the cemetery because it possesses both the body the Ancestors of the clan but also an energy core of the highest grade, which fuel one of the most powerful formation of the continent, The World defensive formation, which make it one of the most secure places of the world.

It's said that this place can only be entered when the burials of an expert of the clan are made. but 18 thousand years ago there was an exception, an extremely powerful expert of the Beast Clan, an expert so terrifying that she never found her match in her own generation renounced her place in the sacred cemetery for newborn sons which just died.

so amidst these millions of the terrifying expert which each possessed the power to the destroy a whole continent when they are alive, the body of a newborn is also present.

And on this day, a faint heartbeat could be heard amidst this land filled with tombs.

A heartbeat which got stronger and stronger each day, as this heartbeat got stronger another one could be heard. these two hearts beat at the same time distinguishing them is so hard that it could only be done if the two bodies which the heartbeat come from were very far from each other.

«Boom »

A hand shot out from within a grave, Next to the hand a paw shot out from within another grave near the hand. They both moved at the same time, as they extended outside of the grave, the hand were both followed by their respective owners, a black furred wolf with Red-colored crystal between his brows and little kid of approximatively 5 years old, with black hair and black eyes, he wore a black colored garment with gold, white and blood red lines.

Both of them had emotionless eyes, they seemed to be cold and detached from reality as if this world was beneath the presence of this being. In those eyes, we could see a glint of ancientness and a bit of loneliness as more and more time passed the eyes became more and more expressive, a trace of anger and impatience could be seen.

"" don't tell me that they just buried me in a cemetery ?!"" a loud voice filled with resentment arose from the boy and the wolf at the same time.

""just because I spend a bit more time than expected in deep sleep they just buried me ?"" As both of them were fuming with rage. Suddenly both of them looked at each other, at that moment a weird staring contest begins as a boy and Wolf looked at each other.

"is that my second soul?" " is that my second soul?" both of them voiced out at the same time, "" but there seems to be a problem? We both are of different species? "" this time the voice echoed with doubt.

""no wrong, I can feel the bloodlines connection, we are twins but not of the same species? Maybe a special entity?"" they both nodded to each other as if they knew the answer from the start. after the staring contest ended they both begin looking around themselves, and they confirmed they earlier thought: they were buried

""Now what should I do? Well since I am in a cemetery, I can use those so-called expert corpse to refine myself better body, it should give a bit of headstart since currently, I only have my bodies to protect myself"" as those thoughts were running through their heads they started scanning with the bit of divine sense left from they soul.

"" Wahhhh! as expected of my fifth life! to think there would be such perfect place to use my innate soul skill! "" as the little boy and the wolf finished talking to themselves.

A tiny black hole appeared from their mouths, those tiny black hole which didn't even come close to 10 centimeters started attracting objects.

"" if I continue at this speed I should be able to devour this whole grave in 8 to 10 years, and that should basically give me a foundation "" as he finished talking to himself, the boy sat in a lotus position and the wolf sat on the lap of the little boy.

they both started meditating. two years goes by...

'I finished earlier than I thought, couldn't you bunch of dumbass who died at least taken in your treasures when you died. Dumbass which expert does not bury a few treasures with them when they die? and you? well, there is fucking nothing.' as the little boy and the wolf were having such thought, they both closed their mouths and the two gigantic black holes which devourer the entire grave of millions of expert disappeared. the two gigantic black holes which were more than hundreds of meters long were, in fact, the two tiny black holes.

As the boy got up the wolf fell down, 'damn in those two years, I learned to at least control my speech, it was so fucking weird to have a wolf and a boy talk at the same time of the same thing, like those creepy corpse puppet sect'

'I feel naked, should I maybe dress up my wolf body? Naaaah it will be even weirder to have a wolf who is dressed up. beside me as I walk.'

'Well, this place is fucking protected by a World formation, well I think I should maybe form a teleport formation, even though I have gotten stronger my energy is still not enough to WAIT?' as the little boy was looking around himself his eyes fell on the energy core which was not far away.

"why not absorb the core? and leave just a little bit, just enough to mask my presence but not enough to forbid me from leaving" the boy's eyes glowed as he felt himself having more and more of genius ideas.

When the boy approached the energy core, another thought suddenly hit him 'did this energy core escaped my innate skill devour? it's impossible it's an innate soul variation that only I on this whole universe should possess!'

'Wait I already destroyed most of the cemetery, only a bit crater is left, even the heavenly energy of this place thinned down because of me. I shouldn't be too greedy, after all, the cause of my fall in my fourth life was because of my greed. and since those fellows who died were kind enough to give their corpses to me, I should at least leave them a bit' while he was having such thought he slowly backed up and started forming symbols with his hand.

Each time a symbol was formed a golden energy left his body. at the side of the boy, the little wolf was humming a little tune. and every time a golden energy left the boy, a gray energy left the body of the little wolf.

That gray energy fused with the golden energy, giving the golden energy a gray shine. as the symbols of energy were gathering around space around where the area where symbols deposited themselves started to tremble.

""Teleportation activate""

a light shined as the boy and the wolf disappeared. legend says that a few years later the Beast Clan began a massive hunt, apparently, they were searching for a grave robber.