Let's rob this place Clean 3 (end)

As he heard these word the manager's face turned ugly, "Hahaha yes yes Young Sir, I was a bit wrong there, I thought this was a gift card" 'this little punk how could he know so much, shouldn't expert be more mysterious while only leaving one word when they depart why the heck does he know everything?'

"So Young Sir, what do you want from our shop ?"

'I should take body cultivation resource for the little wolf, after all, I yet to choose a good Dao, for him, even though my human body is in the Half-Step Universe Realm, I can't use my human body to absorb any power, if I choose to strengthen myself I will surely alert that b*tch. And she will appear to slay me before I even finish. I can only use my wolf body to reach the Half-Step Universe Dao Realm once again and try to fuse them both while going through the rank up tribulation. I wonder what is going to happen when two Being on the Half-Step Universe Dao Realm fuse? Two different comprehensions in two original souls but only one will'

'The first step toward cultivation should always be the firmest, the last time I had a Natural Dao body which exactly corresponded to the Dao I understood, and that natural Dao body was an enormous help when I passed my Cosmos tribulation, so I should try to make my wolf body into a Perfect Dao body, even though a Perfect Dao body is inferior to a natural Dao body, this already should be enough, after all, a Natural Dao body is inborn'

'The first step is the Perfect Dao body, Alright! the second step should be to understand an insanely strong Dao, even though it will be a bit more difficult to understand, if I want to break through the Dao Universe Realm it's something I should do !' a flash of determination could be seen in the wolf eyes, nobody had seen it after all looking at those monstrous wolf eyes will make weak-willed people piss themselves so no one dared to watch the wolf and no one would even think of starting a staring contest with this wolf.

'The first step is a Minor Dao, then a Major Dao afterward will be the Galactic Dao, if I can reach the Cosmos Dao Realm, even the Cosmos Dao Comprehension Realm within a few million years, it will be enough to try to match that bitch.'

"I need body cultivation resource, enough for me to reach the Perfect Dao body level" a confident look in Luo's eyes as he said this sentence as if he was asking for bread

"What??" 'Little wimp Perfect Dao body? even Galactic Realm Expert Descendant wouldn't be so arrogant as to ask for a resource for Perfect Dao body, you a mere mortal dare'

"Are you dumb, didn't you hear me? I want enough resource for a Perfect Dao body !" said Luo with a displeased tone

"My grandpa said that the expert has given him enough resource for a Perfect Dao body"

"WHAT?" 'how lucky this little wimp is' with a dumbfounded look he wrote on his tab that appeared out of nowhere 'Perfect Dao body', and swiped the card and in fact, it showed a green light!

"See, now give it to me quick !" with an ordering tone Luo once again showed an arrogant look as if looking down on the manager for making a scene for such a little thing.

With a disheartened look the manager activated a mini-portal on his left, as he activated the portal symbol started appearing, they appeared as if they were drawing themselves, as they continued appearing a perfect round symbol made of multiple symbols appeared, and crystal-like fruit started falling down from the symbol, and before they fell on the floor, they started levitating a few centimeters above the floor.

"give me a spatial ring to store them" Luo caught each fruit that appeared, there was only 5 fruit-shaped crystal but each had a different color, one blue colored crystal which had a weird glow, we could a sea inside the crystal. It was as if a person took a piece of a sea and sealed it inside this crystal above the little sea a character could be seen but it was so faint that it was unreadable, the second crystal had a greenish-brown glow, inside of it was a tree, with another character a bit different from the sea like crystal but once again it was so faint that it was unreadable. The third crystal was red-colored but didn't have anything inside except a character, it emitted a bit of heat when Luo caught it, the fourth crystal was caught by Luo's wolf body by its jaw, the crystal had a mountain inside it, on this one the character was clear it said 'Earth'.

Luo walked a few steps and caught the fruit-shaped crystal which was starting to float away from him, this one didn't have anything except a character. it was also a bit heavier than the other.

As Luo caught the last crystal, the manager gave Luo a ring, it was the most ordinary and basic ring of storage.

"Do you need anything else Young Sir ?" at an unknown time the face of the manager returned to his earlier calm countenance.

"No nothing else" with a refusal Luo turned to walk out of the shop after putting the ring on his middle finger and putting the fruit-shaped crystal inside his ring.

As Luo left the shop, the manager was gritting his teeth in anger 'even I did not get to have a foundation like Perfect Dao body, and even a little s*it like him get the chance to have this' a sigh escaped the old man's lips 'Lucky chance, Lucky chance, everyone has their own lucky chance, mine will come soon, soon' as he thought about this he took a step out of the shop and he appeared above the world and he had a view on the whole lower realm, he started looking at it as if it was his own 'in less than a year this world would ascend to the World level, I will surely receive the Dao bestowal of this world, and I will ascend to the world realm hahaha'

As the old man was laughing like a madman in the air, a symbol appeared on his wrist, the old man stopped laughing and serious look appeared on his face. He tapped lightly on the symbol and a young man and that maid named Marita could be seen on the screen, that appeared above the symbol. they looked extremely anxious.

"What?" with an irritated look the old man asked the young man and Marita.

"Everything disappeared," said the young man with an anxious look

"What do you mean everything disappeared ?"

"Everything means everything, our whole stock of weapon, armor, jewel, formation, symbol everything"

From that day onwards the branch of the Goddess of Slaughter of this realm was eternally shamed as they had gotten robbed. The Goddess of Slaughter has tried to hunt down the robber but never found a trace of him.