The World Dao seed appear !

At an unknown time, the world around Luo started blurring.

Luo kept on getting up, even though the blood which flowed out of him were already forming a pond.

It must be remembered that Luo is still using his mortal body to battle because he has yet to have a Dao to refine his mortal body into a Minor or Major or even a World Dao body. And it mustn't be forgotten that the Beast path is the path where the body is the weapon and no external weapon or treasure in extra are needed because beast directly refines their own body has a weapon.

Since the beginning, Luo was using his mortal body supported by his Cosmos Dao realm soul to fight against the being from the origin crack.

Even thought Luo has used precious resource to refine his body into a Perfect Dao body, the Perfect Dao body is only a complementary stage of the mortal realm. The real use of a Perfect Dao body can only be seen when a Dao matching the Perfect Dao body is refined with the body.

The fact that Luo using an only a Cosmos Dao Realm soul to maintain his body in shape is already a feat in itself.

But even Luo has his own limit and currently, the use of aura burst, and the use of the killing aura which he accumulated in his soul already imposed a toll on his body and Luo having only a mortal body means that he must be careful of not harming even further his mortal body.

But Luo, unfortunately, is approaching his limits.

'This dimension's World Dao seed his almost ready' was one of the few thought which came back to Luo's brain as he was already muddle-headed by the multiple injuries of his body.

'Die? last chance, my last chance ?' Luo's left eyes closed itself and only the right eye was left open, half of the black holes absorbing the energy of the space crack disappeared.

Luo's wound closed themselves a bit more quickly.

'they want the World Dao' a sigh escaped Luo's lips as he felt the presence of 3 cultivators outside the capital waiting, ready to pounce at any time.

Luo retreated from the battle with the being inside the origin crack, from the moment Luo has seen the being inside the origin of the space crack, this is the first time he retreated.

But the right eye of Luo was still keeping it a bit suppressed even though the suppression wasn't having much effect except slowing it a bit down.

The Lightning Tribulation outside of the dimension stopped striking the walls surrounding the dimension, but the gathering of the cloud outside didn't stop.

All cultivators who were awaiting the ascension to rob the World treasure were swept far away from the dimension, and those who approached received tiny lightning as a warning.

They didn't dare to get close, even tiny lightning of tribulation cloud is capable of annihilating anything and anyone beneath the Dao realm, and heavily injure those in the Minor or Major Dao Realm.

Everyone messaged back to their respective sects and organizations about this strange occurrence.

The gathering was still ongoing even after the ending of the world tribulation as if, another tribulation was coming up soon after the first one. The gathering hastened as if the clouds felt that the strength it possessed wasn't enough to destroy it.

This Tribulation Cloud's strength soon approached the level of power of a Galaxy-level dimension.

Within the Gaza Empire, the face-off of Luo and the being from the origin crack was still ongoing, Luo keeps on trying to suppress the being within the crack.

But Luo was only using the power of his right eye, the rest of his energy was spent on healing his heavy injury.

Even though Luo spent energy to heal his wound, they were already beyond healing point, it was only slowing down the inevitable.

But Luo still kept his body ready, he was in the same position as the three other cultivators.

And it was worth it, a few minutes after Luo retreated, space started to rigidify, the strikes which earlier were capable of making a space collapse right now were only capable of faintly making the space ripples, and this strengthening of the space originated from beneath the imperial city.

Luo glanced at the spot where space began to rigidify, and immediately he shot out like a rocket, his silhouette was only faintly discernible.

3 ray of light shot out from behind Luo, they were all aiming for one thing: The Dao seed of this World.

A seed capable of adapting a World Dao perfectly fitting the controller of the World.

The Earth trembled a bit as a gray symbol shot from the ground, it broke the soil around it.

The gray symbol possessed basic intelligence because it was literally the true spirit of this world.

The gray symbol after shooting out of the soil quickly flew away, it left the imperial city with 4 cultivators in its tow.

The first and foremost in the group, who was the nearest to the seed was Luo.

The second just behind Luo was an old woman, she was traveling on an illusory bird and was slowly catching up with Luo. After all, Luo is still injured he can't exert his full strength so he can still be caught up by exceptional Major Dao cultivator.

The third was an old man, faint symbols were flickering all around him. He was traveling at the same speed as the woman, beneath each of his step in the sky a symbol, could be seen appearing.

The last who was pursuing the World Seed, appeared rather young since he only likes a middle-aged man well at least in appearance he was young.

Compared to the other two he was dressed poorly in rags, but his speed wasn't inferior to his peers. But every time he took a step a faint azure light traveled from his eyes to his feet.

His eyes were azure, like the ancient times immortal.

Unknown to even Luo there was the fifth pursuer, it was a tiny Lotus fluttering in the wind of the tray that the 4 people left behind.