Dare You To Put A Finger on Her (2)

"There's no need to call the police! She's just staying somewhere else for the night! She's a grown woman, she can look after herself." Gu Yusheng happened to be passing by a shelf with porcelain on it, and he reached out to grasp the porcelain and smash it onto the ground without blinking. With the shattering, loud sound, he opened his mouth again and said furiously, "You aren't allowed to look for her any more. If she left, she left, and should never come back. You go upstairs and pack her things up, then throw them out of my house!"

After saying that, Gu Yusheng, gnashing his teeth, put his hands on his hips and walked several circles in the living room, then moved to the hallway. When he was ready to go out after he had opened the door, he yelled angrily to the housekeeper in the villa, as if he had remembered something, "And, change the code for the door!"

Immediately afterwards, he slammed the door and climbed into his car.