Dare You To Put A Finger on Her (3)

Gu Yusheng frowned and asked, "Do you know who she usually hangs out with?"

After giving it a bit of thought, Lu Bancheng provided him with many names: Ms. Yang, Ms. Li, Ms. Sun, and a few more. Hearing so many names gave Gu Yusheng a headache. He asked Lu Bancheng directly, "Can you help me call them one by one to see who she's with?"

Lu Bancheng called Gu Yusheng back in about ten minutes, but he didn't give Gu Yusheng the answer he wanted. Liang Doukou wasn't with any of them.

Liang Doukou and Lu Bancheng had known each other since they were little and had been good friends for years. If Lu Bancheng thought those people were good friends with Liang Doukou, it should have been very close to the truth, and some of them should have known where she was.

Gu Yusheng wondered if she had other good friends that Lu Bancheng didn't know about.