He Has Changed a Bit Every Day (6)

With the slightest wrinkle between Gu Yusheng's eyebrows, he looked around the entire living room quickly and calmly. Eventually, he found her on a small round couch in a corner by the window.

With her back to all the others, she was sitting there wordlessly, her phone in hand.

The crowded and happy atmosphere in the room seemed to be irrelevant to her. No matter how loud the screams were, her sight never moved a bit from her phone.

She looked quiet. Except on the occasions that she needed to touch the screen of the phone, she barely moved. Even when she drank, she would pick up and put down the cup with very gentle strength, seemingly afraid to make any noise.

Gu Yusheng could tell that she was trying to blend into her surroundings, letting the others forget about her.

Before I played cards, she appeared to be talking with people delightedly. Since when does she avoid the others and keep to herself?