He Has Changed a Bit Every Day (7)

Was she that anxious because of his presence? Gu Yusheng thought to himself.

Gu Yusheng had the image in his head of her applying medicine to his wound as she talked softly when he had been hurt.

He wanted them to be like this, but at this moment, he seemed to understand where his heart belonged. He didn't like her treating him this way. He hoped she could speak as freely as she had when she talked to Lu Bancheng. When she had talked to him…

Gu Yusheng wasn't sure what had happened to him, so he gave up thinking about it. He looked at Qin Zhi'ai and asked gently, "Why are you sitting here by yourself?"

Qin Zhi'ai didn't know how long Gu Yusheng had been watching her. She didn't want Gu Yusheng to know that after he left, she had hid herself here after excusing herself from those girls. She looked away and stared outside the window at the LED lights on the building across the street. She said calmly, "I got a phone call, and it's quiet here."