Testing From All Angles (7)

Even during the afternoon meeting, he only said, "Let's get started," from the time he walked into the conference room until the meeting ended.

The meeting lasted over two hours, during which he did not move even a bit in his chair. It looked like he was attentively listening, when in fact, his mind had wandered far away during the meeting.

When the meeting ended, the whole conference room was strangely quiet for a while. He didn't recover himself from his daze until Xiaowang reminded him. He responded with an "oh" and looked around the conference table. He said with his mind elsewhere, "Little troublemaker."

Little troublemaker? What did he mean by little troublemaker? Did we make a mistake and cause trouble during the meeting? everyone in the conference room thought to themselves.

They all fixed their eyes on Gu Yusheng and waited to hear more from him when they heard those two words.