Testing From All Angles (8)

When his secretary left the office, he picked up the phone on the desk and called home.

It was the housekeeper who answered the phone. Gu Yusheng briefly informed her of his schedule, "I'm busy this evening, so I'll be back home later… Well, don't wait for me for dinner. Remember to tell this to Miss Liang."

After he hung up, Gu Yusheng stared at the perfumes on the table. Then he stood up slowly and took some bottles of the perfume. He opened the lids one by one and smelled each one.

Gu Yusheng specially separated the perfumes with strong fragrances. Facing all the perfume on the table, he spent altogether more than half an hour picking up nearly 30 bottles of perfume. When he raised his wrist to look at the time on his watch, it was only eight o'clock in the evening. It seemed a little early to go home...

After stopping for a moment, Gu Yusheng took the document on the table and began to read.